Chapter Eight

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EDITED 5/30/2020

Hello!!! As promised, the picture above is the Necklace that Magnus gave to Clary.

Clary smiled as Simon kissed her in the canoe attached to the roof of the shed type building that Luke was allowing Simon to stay in.

"Whoa!" She laughed as the canoe shook. "This is so weird." She told him.

"Yeah." Simon agreed, laughing. "Are my fangs getting in the way?" He asked. "Because I can totally, um.."

"No, no. You're fine. You're fine." Clary assured him. "It's just the canoes a little small to.. ow!"

"Oh careful!" They started to laugh. "I'm sorry." Simon leaned in to kiss her.

"I cannot believe I let you talk me into this." Clary told him.

"Me neither." Simon grinned. They kissed again and the canoe swung dangerously.

"I've got you." Simon assured Clary when she gasped.

"Oh great." Clary said sarcastically. "In that case we'll just go down together."

"Well, I mean." Simon shook the canoe. "I'm pretty sure this thing is untippable."

"Oh, yeah?" Clary asked suggestively.

"Yeah." Simon agreed happily.

"We'll just have to see about that." She flirted.

Clary flipped the pair over and straddled Simon. She pulled his shirt off as they giggled and leaned in to kiss him once again.

She threw the shirt out of the canoe not noticing that it hit Alec in the shoulder as he rolled his eyes in pure disgust. He strode over to the boat that was parked in the, in his opinion, less than habitable shed and pressed on the horn.

Clary and Simon popped up and looked over the edge of the canoe in shock.

"Lawson," Alec spat. "You have five seconds to get your mangy paws off my sister. One. Two." Simon launched himself out of the canoe, landing on the ground and pulled his shirt on. Alec looked less than satisfied. He looked up at Clary. "What the hell are you doing up there? You know what?" He grimaced. "Don't answer that."

Clary jumped down from the canoe fully dressed, much to Alec's relief. She stumbled a little and he reached out to steady her, glaring at Simon when he tried to do the same.

"My name is Lewis by the way. Simon Lewis."

"Whatever, Sheldon." Alec said.

"Alec." Clary sighed. "It's fine. I'm safe here."

"Valentine is still hunting you, Clary. Until he is stopped there are very few places that you're safe. A cockroach infested sex shack is not one of them."

"This place isn't infested with cockroaches and -"

"Really?" Alec drawled. "Because I'm looking at one now." He narrowed his eyes at Simon.

Simon instantly straightened and was about to argue further when Clary reached out and smacked Alec in the chest. "Be nice to someone other than our family or Magnus for, once will you?"

"I'm nice to Luke." Alec told her.

Clary rolled her eyes. "Look, I can handle my- AHH!" Clary grabbed at her hand as she bent over in pain. "What the hell?!" She gasped.

"What's wrong?" Alec asked as he wrapped his arms around Clary, holding her up.

"I don't know." Clary cried as the trio watched as her hand slowly crusted over black.

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