Chapter Forty Seven

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EDITED 5/30/2020

Alec had fallen asleep in his favorite place in the world, in his husband's arms while he stroked his hair and sang into his ear with so much love that Alec let tears slip from his eyes and onto Magnus' bare chest.

"El ils disent que I'amour est un voyage (And they say love is a journey)

Je promets que je ne partirais jamais (I promise that I'll never leave)

Quand c'est trop lourd a porter (When it's too heavy to carry)

Rappelle-toi de ce moment avec moi (Remember this moment with me)"

Alec had been sleeping very well on his side, Magnus holding him from behind, face buried in Alec's neck. Alec stirred when he felt eyes boring into him. He opened his eyes clearly and looked up. He flinched and sat up when he saw who was standing over him. Magnus' arms fell away from him and he rolled over with a whine.

"What the Hell?" Alec groaned.

"Not exactly," Azazel shrugged. "Although I do live there."

"Why are you standing over me while I sleep?" Alec asked, rubbing his eyes.

Azazel sat on the edge of the bed next to Alec's waist and shrugged once more. "I can't watch my son sleep?"

"Uh," Alec was confused. "It's a little creepy."

Azazel frowned. "I didn't intend to unsettle you." He said sincerely, well, Alec thought he was being sincere. "I wanted to ensure your safety, if Azrael truly means you harm, he could have compelled you while you slept. I wanted to watch over you."

"Oh," Alec said. "That's . . . thoughtful."

"I make you uncomfortable." It wasn't a question.

"A little." Alec admitted.

"Why is that?" Azazel asked. "Because I'm a demon?"

Alec shrugged. "I did banish you." He said. "And you did switch my soulmate's body with a mass murder."

"I'm sorry if that hurt you." Azazel replied. "And you didn't know any better, you thought I was going to hurt your lover."

Alec yawned and Azazel frowned. "You must be tired, child." He gently pushed Alec back down onto the bed. He stood up and pulled the blanket up to Alec's shoulders. "It's just after midnight." He reached up and brushed Alec's hair out of his eyes. "Sleep," He instructed. "I will kill anyone who dares to come near you."

"Oh, uh, that's not entirely necessary." Alec said as Azazel lifted his head up and moved to put it in his lap. He started to card his fingers through Alec's hair as Alec laid stiffly, unsure of how to proceed.

"Hush, my sweet child." Azazel crooned. "Sleep, your father will protect you."

"Right." Alec replied awkwardly and against his better judgement he fell asleep, head in Azazel's lap, the demon's fingers running through his hair.


Magnus woke up knowing something wasn't quite right. He opened his eyes and found his husband lying on his back, not touching him which was extremely unusual.

Upon further examination he realized there was a third person in the bed with them. Azazel was sitting, back against the headboard, his husband's head laying in his lap. His fingers were tangled in his beautiful black hair.

"What's going on?" Magnus asked, his voice still thick with sleep.

Azazel looked over at Magnus and then looked back down at the man whose head was cradled in his lap. "I wanted to watch over him and be sure he was safe."

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