Chapter Fourteen

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EDITED 5/30/2020

The picture has nothing to do with the chapter but I just found it and it's giving me life at the moment so there ya go.

Also - I'm so sorry for how long it took me to write this chapter! I'm doing my best, y'all.

 "Clary?" Alec asked, kneeling in front of her. "Clary? Can you hear me?" He waved a hand in front of her face. "How long has she been like this?" He turned to gaze at Magnus over his shoulder.

Magnus looked up from where he was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, staring at the floor. "Forty-five minutes. At least."

Alec sighed and turned back to Clary. "Clary? Where's Jace? Is he okay?" Clary's eyes snapped to his and filled with tears. "Clary! What happened in the Seelie Court?" He cupped her face in his hands and looked into her eyes, willing her to tell him what had happened.

Clary took in a shaky breath, looking up towards the ceiling, trying to hold the tears at bay.

"Simon insisted on coming with us, and he screwed up, killed something by accident. The Queen, she tried to choke them with vines unless I kissed the person I wanted most." She broke off in a sob.

"And it wasn't Simon." Magnus concluded.

Clary cried harder and shook her head. "No."

"So, you kissed Jace." Alec sighed, realizing what had happened.

"I had no choice." Clary looked back at him. "She would've killed them!"

"I know." Alec reassured her, wrapping his arms around her. "I know. It's okay."

Clary sobbed into Alec's shoulder. "Simon hates me now. He's going to break up with me."

"Don't worry, Clary. I'll take care of everything." He whispered into her ear. "Big Brother's here. I've got you."


That night, Izzy and Alec were standing near the doors of the Institute ready to welcome the Downworlders.

Izzy straightened Alec's jacket. "Okay." She sighed happily. "You look good."

"I must say," Meliorn approached the two. "When I received your invitation, I was skeptical. I still am, though your sister's presence is always heartening." He smiled at Isabelle.

"As is yours, Meliorn." Izzy allowed.

"Well, tonight." Alec interjected, holding out a hand. "I hope to erase your skepticism."

Clary watched from the floor above, leaning her against the railing as Raphael walked in and Izzy hurried to greet him.

As Izzy and Raphael conversed, Alec finished greeting Meliorn. Clary marveled at how at-ease her older brother seemed. Had she been in his position she would've been petrified.

She snapped back to attention as Magnus walked in. She nearly giggled, which would've alerted everyone to her presence, as she witnessed the terribly awkward scene before her.

"Lovely to see you, Mister Lightwood." Magnus greeted his boyfriend.

"And you, Mister Bane." Alec shook his hand. "Thank you for taking the time."

Clary facepalmed.

"I wouldn't miss it." Magnus returned with a smile. "I have tremendous respect for the new head of the institute."

Alec gestured for Magnus to head inside before him, but Magnus hesitated. "I'll be in in a moment." He told him.

Alec nodded and entered the conference room, Magnus waited until the doors were shut before he made his way towards where Clary was standing. He looked up at her from where he was standing on the floor below.

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