Chapter Nine

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Congrats to Shadowhunters and Kat McNamara on winning at the TCA's!!!

Alec peeked out the kitchen door to make sure that Clary really was alright watching Madzie in the living room. Despite not being fond of the idiotic vampire that she considered boyfriend material, he was worried that Simon would get himself killed and Clary would blame herself. So, it was with great displeasure that he decided he would do everything in his power to return her pet vampire in one piece.

Alec sighed and shut the door quietly once he saw Madzie attempting to braid his sister's long raven colored hair. He turned to where Magnus was standing, leaning back against the counter, martini in hand, watching his boyfriend with a still-shocked expression on his face.

"We don't have to, you know." Alec moved towards the island in the middle of the kitchen and leaned forward against it. "It was just a suggestion. I'm sure we could find someone to take her in."

Magnus shook his head. "I don't seem to recall saying 'no.' You have to understand, Alexander. Until you came along, there was no possibility for me of having any of this. Children were on the table for me. No one ever wanted any with me anyways."

Alec smiled a little. "Then those people were fools. Who wouldn't want a family with you?"

"Plenty of people, apparently." Magnus remarked.

Alec rolled his eyes. "So, it's settled?" He asked. "We're going to petition to adopt her?"

"Madzie Lightwood-Bane." Magnus confirmed. "Besides, she already loves Biscuit."

Alec laughed. "That she does."


Hours later Alec had been called back to the institute and Jace had made his way to the loft. Magnus, Jace and Clary were sitting in awkward silence in the living room, spread out amongst the chairs and Madzie was playing in the room Magnus, Alec and Clary had set up for her.

Magnus and Jace were staring at each other so hard that Clary was almost certain they were having a staring contest and Clary was staring at the side of Magnus' head. All three were bored out of their minds but too uncomfortable with current company to suggest anything.

Their near painful silence was broken when Clary's phone rang. "It's Simon!" She shouted gleefully. She lunged towards Magnus, nearly ending up on his lap, to show him the phone.

"Answer it, Clary!" Jace said, surging forward to get a look at the phone as well.

Clary hit the green button and instantly an image of Simon tied to a chair appeared. Valentine quickly entered the shot and turned towards the camera.

"No." Clary said in despair.

"Hello, Clarissa." Valentine greeted her as though nothing were wrong. "Wish we were chatting under more civilized circumstances, I'm afraid I've run out of options."

"Let Simon go." She demanded.

"Absolutely." Valentine agreed. "Just as soon as you come back to the institute. I need you to activate the sword for me."

"That is never going to happen." She told him. She leaned into Magnus' side, seeking comfort.

"Oh, but I think it will." Valentine argued. "Because if you don't show up within the hour, they're both going to die a death I wouldn't wish upon anyone."

"Both?" Clary asked.

"Oh!" Valentine cried, feigning forgetfulness. "Did I forget to mention?" He turned the camera to show her Alec in an identical situation to Simon. Duct tape covering his mouth and arms and legs tied to the chair he was sat in. Unlike Simon, Alec did not look scared or panicked. He simply looked pissed off. Also, unlike Simon, his face was bruised and bleeding. There was no doubt he'd gone down fighting.

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