Chapter Thirty Four

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EDITED 5/30/2020

Alec woke to the feeling of eyes on him. He was still curled up in that horrible little infirmary bed, Magnus laying by his side.

Alec opened his eyes and flinched back with a little shout, making Magnus stir but not wake.

Raphael gave him an unimpressed look from where he was, standing over Alec.

"Please don't wake Madzie up." Raphael sighed. "It took forever to get her to go to sleep."

Alec looked over to where he was pointing and saw that Madzie had wedged herself in between her fathers and fallen asleep with her face pressed into Alec's stomach. Alec had thought Magnus was just pressed up against him, which wasn't unusual.

"What time is it?" Alec sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes before holding a hand out to his son and pulling him in towards the bed. Raphael rolled his eyes and got into the bed next to Alec, acting as if the action were physically hurting him.

"It's eight a.m." Raphael sighed, sounding incredibly put out.

"It's tomorrow?" Looking down at where Raphael's head was resting on his stretched-out bicep.

Raphael looked up at him. "No.." He looked at Alec like he'd gone crazy. "It's today."

Alec rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I meant that I slept the rest of yesterday and all night."

"Right." Raphael said and turned back to look up at the ceiling again.

Alec bent the arm that Raphael's head was lying on so that he could drape an arm over his shoulder. "You're mad at me."

Raphael turned in towards Alec and grabbed a stand of Madzie's hair to rub between his thumb and forefinger. "I'm not angry." Raphael said. "I'm scared. You almost died, Dad. I made the mistake of coming here right after they brought you in. I brought Madzie with me. You looked like.. well, death. The blood, it was everywhere. Papa was crying, Wesley was crying, Cat and Tessa looked freaked out. Isabelle came in later and she was distraught. I thought you were going to die again."

"I promise you," Alec whispered. "That I will never intentionally leave you. I will fight tooth and nail to stay with you, your papa and your sister. I'm so sorry that I scared you, I wish you wouldn't have had to see what you saw. I'm okay, Raph. And today, I'm becoming a warlock again, to stay with you three."

"I know." Raphael said. "And I know I don't say it much, but I love you Dad."

"I love you, too, hijo."


Alec stood staring into Clary's bedroom at the loft. He had changed into a loose, long sleeve grey top and some form fitting black sweatpants. Wesley was drawing the pentagram and Magnus was finishing with the potion, just as Magnus had said would happen the day before.

Raphael was standing behind Alec, leaning against the wall across from Clary's bedroom door. Catarina and Tessa were each busying themselves with trivial things. Tessa was in the kitchen doing Raziel knows what and Catarina was trying to make Alec and Magnus' bedroom more comfortable.

"Hey, buddy." Wesley whispered to Raphael behind Alec. "Why don't you go into the room? Everything's ready. I'm just going to talk to your Dad for a minute."

"Fine." Raphael walked away and into the same room they had used to summon the memory demon back when Magnus and Alec had first met.

"Jem, Tessa and I will keep watching the weather patterns. When you wake up, we will go get her. Okay?" Wesley patted his shoulder. "But right now, we are going to close this door and we are going to go into that room and get your magic and immortality back."

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