Chapter Twenty Seven

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EDITED 5/30/2020

"Do you have to look so miserable?" Catarina asked Alec.

They were standing close together in the far corner of Lorenzo Rey's large mansion as the party raged on around them. Lorenzo and the other Warlocks had decided to throw Alec and Magnus an engagement party and the couple hadn't seen each other since the night before when Alec had walked away from Magnus.

"I don't know what you mean, Cat." Alec said nonchalantly, sipping his drink and looking around the room. He had yet to see Magnus and Madzie.

"This is your engagement party, Alec. Not your funeral."

"I'm well aware." He told her, shooting her a dark look. "I've just got a lot on my mind."

Catarina raised an eyebrow. "I'm well aware." She repeated him. "Magnus called me, terrified, last night. Thought you were going to call off the engagement."

"I'm angry, not stupid." Alec told her, finishing his drink. "Did he tell you I asked him to make me immortal? Did he tell you that he turned me down, and then when the job offer came up and all of that happened, he had the nerve to tell me that he wanted me to make my own choices and for him to not influence my decisions? When he had just made one of the most important decisions I could ever make, for me?"

"He did tell me about that." Catarina nodded, looking concerned. "I think Magnus is just afraid that you will grow to resent him over time."

"I'm his soulmate, he's my soulmate." Alec replied heatedly, not angry with Catarina, but with the situation. "How could he think so lowly of me?"

"He doesn't think badly of you, Alec. He's insecure. No one has ever stayed with him before, either by choice or due to death. He's insecure and afraid."

Alec dropped his head so that his chin touched his chest as he heaved a sigh. "I guess I just wish that he trusted me enough to forget about that. But I understand. I wish things didn't happen the way that they did. I hate fighting with him."

"I hate it too, my darling." Magnus said from behind him.

Alec spun around and came face to face with his fiancé and daughter. Magnus was dressed impeccably as usual, a burgundy button down, a black blazer and tight black slacks. He was holding Madzie on his hip, she was wearing a matching burgundy dress with a black leather jacket over it.

"Daddy!" Madzie squealed gleefully as she wiggled until Magnus released her. She ran to Alec who stooped down and wrapped her in his arms, picking her up.

"Hey, Princess." Alec said as he clutched his daughter to his chest, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

"Daddy, we missed you." Madzie whispered to him earnestly. "After Papa tucked me in and read me the story he went to your room and cried, and Auntie Clary couldn't make him stop!"

Her voice had gradually raised and when Alec looked to Magnus, the man was staring determinedly at the ground, his jaw clenched.

"I missed you guys, too, baby girl. I'm sorry that I didn't come home last night, but I'll be home with you tonight, okay?" Magnus raised his head to look Alec in the eyes. Alec could see the fear, the hurt, and the desperation in them. Looking Magnus dead in the eyes, he continued. "I promise. I love you guys so, so much. Daddy's so sorry."

"It's okay, Daddy." Madzie said cheerfully, pulling away to look Alec in the eyes. "We love you too." She gave Alec a kiss before wriggling to be let down and run over to her Auntie Cat.

Alec watched his daughter and friend for a moment before turning back to the man he loved. He strode forward until he stood right in front of him, staring into the devastated eyes of his fiancée.

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