Chapter Forty Nine

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EDITED 5/30/2020

So as you can see above, you cannot be mad at me for the last chapter ending because I was encouraged. ^^^^

Hours later, Magnus had just sent Catarina and Wesley home, standing in the living room. Cat and Wes had settled James, because the man in that room was not his husband, in Magnus and Alec's old bedroom. That thought alone made Magnus' heart throb painfully. Why couldn't the two of them just catch a break?

Catarina had explained that while she had healed all of Alec's physical injuries, she could find no cause for his amnesia. There was no apparent reason that Alec should be experiencing this lapse of memory. Catarina's words discouraged Magnus greatly, at this point he was just resigned to the fact that he was destined to continue losing his soulmate. Magnus' friends had reassured him that they would do everything in their power to find a cure. However, this did not make the warlock feel any better. For all they knew, they could be searching for years upon years for a cure. After all, thanks to the ritual, they had eternity to find one.

Magnus sighed heavily in the silence of the living room before he turned to go to the bedroom, imaging all the negative energy leaving his body and breathing in some positive energy in its place. In the master bedroom, he found James laying shirtless on his back, looking like he was waiting for Magnus. The man smiled up at him as he walked in, sliding the door shut behind him.

"Darling." Magnus smiled slightly and James returned the gesture. Magnus' eyes roamed James' bare torso, scars remained of the burns from Alec's derunement, another reminder of who is and isn't laid out in front of him. It is his husband, but it also is not. His body was the body of Alexander Lightwood-Bane, but the mind was James Marcs.

Magnus rounded the bed hesitantly and laid down, stretched out next to James and prepared to fall asleep as soon as he could let his eyes fall shut.

James rolled on top of Magnus with some difficulty as soon as he was laid back against the pillows. Magnus let out a slight gasp in surprise, having not expected the move and certainly not feeling up to doing what James was insinuating. Magnus just laid there stiffly as James started to kiss and suck at Magnus' throat. Magnus recognized the feeling of those lips against his neck, Alec's lips, and as wonderful as it felt, it still felt wrong.

There was a rising feeling of guilt settling in his chest as James started to grind against Magnus, his hips dragging back and forth against Magnus', lips mouthing over his neck and down towards the neckline of Magnus' silk shirt, he was surely leaving bruises down the skin of Magnus' neck. His breath started coming quicker and shallower as his eyes fell shut both in pleasure and shame, James' fingers were undoing Magnus' buttons, not James' fingers, Alec's. Alec his husband, Alec the father of his children, Alec who was not here. It was that thought that did it for Magnus, gave him the courage to say that enough was enough.

"Stop." Magnus said strongly, opening his eyes and looking up at James as he stopped immediately, pulling away from Magnus' neck and looking down into Magnus' unglamoured eyes. James was not moving from his spot straddling Magnus' hips mid-grind, his hips pressing forward right into Magnus at just the right angle, making this all the more difficult for Magnus.

Alec - no, James looked at Magnus confused. Magnus just looked up into those beautiful hazel eyes. Those were Alexander's eyes, but the person and the mind them; it was James. Magnus broke their eye contact and looked down at James' leg, still straddling Magnus, bent by his hip.

Magnus didn't want James. He loved him, sure. Their love had been amazing, but Alexander was the best version of Magnus' soulmate, yet. And Magnus was in love with Alec, not James. He wanted his husband back. He wanted the man that made him pancakes and brought them to bed every Wednesday morning, waking him up with a sweet kiss and a smile. He wanted the man that sang their baby to sleep with their song, he wanted the man that had begged him for immortality and had wept when Magnus finally gave in. He wanted the man that so effortlessly loved Magnus and their children. The man that had danced with Magnus in the kitchen at one in the morning just last week, laughing and singing in his ear and he twirled him around and dipped him low, giving him a kiss that nearly brought tears to Magnus' eyes.

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