Chapter Twenty Four

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EDITED 5/30/2020

Thanks so much to tired_fangirl13 for some of the amazing ideas that you have contributed that have made this story so much better! You have helped more than you know in how this story has played out thus far and how it is planned to play out in the future. I have dozens of chapters planned out thanks to all the advice you have given me.

To my readers - go check out this girl's amazing amazing work. She is a wonderful writer and she has helped immensely with this story. Especially the ideas that have come to life in this chapter.

Magnus rushed to the door, hoping to make itthere in time so that the incessant pounding on it wouldn't wake his daughter, fiancé and future sister-in-law.

He flung open the door and saw Luke and Simon standing outside.

"What's going on?" He asked them.

"Maia's gone missing." Luke informed the warlock.


"She disappeared from the Hunter's Moon and I think that the Seelie Queen's responsible." Simon nearly shouted.

"First of all," Magnus started, his tone like acid. "You might want to consider lowering your voice, because if you wake my fiancé, my sister or my child you, Solomon, will wish you were never born."

Simon audibly gulped before nodding his head. His skin had paled and his eyes widened as he stared at Magnus, waiting for him to continue.

"Second of all," Magnus moved out of the way, allowing Luke to enter the apartment. He allowed Simon to enter as well, but not before stepping in front of him as he tried to enter and glaring at him, before stepping aside once more. "What would the Seelie Queen want with Maia?" He shut the door behind the men and directed them towards the balcony, hoping that if they stayed outside that the risk of waking his family would be nonexistent. Alec and Clary had had a rough night, both needed to rest and Alexander needed to heal more. Madzie had woken late that night due to a nightmare and crawled into bed with her fathers, she too deserved to sleep in a while longer.

"She has this crazy obsession with me because of the whole Daylighter thing. And then she invited me to live in her court and I said thanks but no thanks and then she threatened to hurt the people I care about. That's Maia, Clary, Izzy, My mom, Becky, Luke, even Alec and Jace and you."

"She won't lay a hand on my family." Magnus swore.

"We have to find her. Before the Seelie Queen hurts her." Simon persisted.

"How can we be sure that the Queen even took Maia?" Magnus asked. "Where's the proof? We can't just storm into her realm and accuse her of this. Are we sure that she didn't just find a lead on Valentine and go to try and hunt him down?"

"Without telling me?" Luke asked calmly.

"Come on, Magnus!" Simon shouted. "We're not making this up."

"What's going on out here?" Magnus heard a sleepy voice come from directly behind him. He turned to see Alec standing in the doorway, still dressed in only a pair of sweatpants. Magnus couldn't help but think that Alexander would've looked absolutely adorable if it hadn't been for the bandage wrapped around his shoulder and chest. His hair was ruffled, eyes still foggy with sleep and he was barefoot. A complete vision.

"It's nothing darling." Magnus told his fiancé gently. He took the half-step that it took to be pressed right up against the man and he ran a hand through his wild hair. "Why don't you return to bed? Surely you're still tired. You and your sister had a long night. I'll finish things up here and I'll join you soon. I promise."

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