Riddle me, my love!

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TW: Grooming, Ephebophilia, Honestly, the Riddler's whole character in the story deserves a trigger warning, Kidnapping.

Sam sits on her pink beanbag, happily tapping away at her phone screen. A green win screen appears, and Sam throws up her hands in celebration.

"Haha! That's another win for me, Eddy!" Sam cheers, looking at her seventh win for the night.

"Oh, poor me, Samantha~ If I have to lose another round of riddle-solving to you, I might have to fall in love with you harder," Eddy teases, amusing Sam.

"Have I ever told you I dig your voice? It's so smooth and deep," Sam compliments, moving to her bed.

"No, you haven't. But thank you. It's a shame we still haven't gone on a date yet. Though I don't expect a girl like you to give a loser nerd who plays riddle games for fun a chance," Eddy bemoans, turning over on his side, the darkness covering his face.

A loud gunshot rings out from outside Eddy's apartment. Police sirens follow shortly after.

"Gotham life, huh?" Sam jokes, crossing her legs.

"Yep, the crime never sleeps here," Eddy replies, lightly laughing at Sam's joke. "And what about that date?"

"How about tomorrow? I have free time after my friend's shopping spree at the Gotham Mall."

"My schedule is free tomorrow too. I'll pick you up at the Gotham Mall outside the Sephora."

"Great! I'll see you too!"

Sam ends the phone Discord call and happily stares at the ceiling. She puts her phone on the charger and goes to sleep.


The girls hop into Clover's pink jeep and drive to the rebuilt Gotham Mall. It's surprisingly vibrant and not gloomy.

"Ooh! Victoria's Secret and Pink are having their semi-annual 70% off sale!" Clover exclaims, parking her car and immediately getting out.

Sam and Alex get out of the car, then Clover locks it. The girls head into the Pink side of Victoria's Secret and start their spree. While shopping, Sam tells her friends the exciting news.

"No way! You got your first date in Gotham!" Clover squeals, hugging Sam. "Oh my God, we have to get you first Gotham date underwear! Please tell me you have a spare outfit for your date?"

"Clover, you know I do," Sam replies, pulling out a green crop top with a heart cut out in the middle. She also has a black knee-length skirt with a small slit going to her lower thigh.

"I like it! A touch of pink lipgloss and a neutral eyeshadow, and your look will be perfect!" Alex comments, picking out a green bra and underwear set for Sam. "By the way, when's your date?"

"The minute this shopping spree is over," Sam says, blushing a little.

"We have to start your makeover right now! Come on, let's pay for our stuff, get you changed, and do your makeup," Clover says in command mode.

The spies pay for their underwear, then head to the bathrooms. Sam changes into her date outfit, telling the spies about her date, then comes out. Clover hands her a pair of black high heel boots.

"I look awesome!" Sam gushes, spinning around.

"And you're about to look more amazing after Madam Clover gives you a makeover," Clover says, taking out her portable makeup case.

Clover does Sam's makeup on a bench while Alex does Sam's lips. After ten minutes, they finish Sam's makeup. Sam sees a green Mercedes parked in front of Sephora and checks her phone. Eddy sent her a message telling her he was here five minutes ago. She sends him a text saying that she's coming.

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