First Summoning

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Ever since Klarion gifted her the amulet, it's been nothing but questions and manipulation to get her to take it off.

"It could be cursed!"

"It seems dangerous!"

"The magic on this amulet is so chaotic!"

"Anything Klarion gifts you should make you suspicious!"

Alex had finally gotten sick of it. After four days of questioning, they all got to her. She couldn't take it anymore. So, Alex decided to speak to Klarion to get his true intentions. She left the penthouse when the sun set below the horizon and headed towards Metropolis Park. Passing by the Superman statue, Alex sits in front of a small pond surrounded by trees obscuring her from outside view. She looks into the pond's water and sees the red amulet glimmer in the reflection.

"Klarion, I want to see you," Alex softly states, not noticing the glimmer of red magic behind her.

"So you finally decided to spice up your life a little?" Klarion teases, scaring Alex. "Careful, I don't want you going underwater."

"I wanted to talk to you about this amulet. Why did you give this to me?" Alex asks, being straightforward.

Klarion looks at Alex for a while, then answers.

"I gave it to you so you could talk to me whenever. Why are you asking? Did you think it was cursed or something?"

"Not me, exactly. Maybe everyone tried to warn me about you, and I didn't know what to think, so I decided to ask you directly for an answer."

"I'm a bit offended you think so low of me, but at least you didn't immediately take their word for it. By the way, I wanted to apologize for my cat making us kiss. She's a rascal and wants the best for me. I'm sure you didn't want to be kissed by a boy like-like me."

Klarion's words made Alex's heart twinge a bit. She didn't hate the kiss, nor did she particularly dislike Klarion.

"It's ok, really. You're a surprisingly good kisser."

The two teens go silent for five minutes, then Alex breaks the tension.

"If you have the time, would you like to spend time with me tonight? You know, since I summoned you and stuff," Alex asks, clutching her amulet.

"Oh...sure! I'm not used to spending so much time on human activities. What do you wanna do first?" Klarion answers, smiling at Alex.

"Stargazing. I used to love doing that when I was at Beverly Hills, and I couldn't sleep," Alex replies, looking at the light-polluted sky. "Though I don't think we'll see any with all the light pollution from the city."

Klarion looks up at the sky with Alex, then snaps his fingers. All the lights in New York go out, and the stars reclaim the sky. Screams, commotion, and car accidents happen in the background, but Alex is so happy she doesn't care.

"Woah, Klarion, this is amazing! How'd you get rid of the lights?" Alex wonders, her eyes twinkling like a star.

"I can do anything. I could even move us to a better stargazing spot," Klarion flirts, grabbing Alex's waist and transporting her to the roof of the Daily Planet. "So, Alex, do you like my setup? Or do you wanna go to a star?"

"I like it, Klari."

Klarion goes silent. Alex looks at him and sees his cheeks tinted pink.

"Oh, sorry, you could've told me if you don't want a nickname," Alex apologizes, holding Klarion's hand.

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