Batman in the Night

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The Justice League meeting about the spies had gotten off to an interesting start with Superman. But it had gotten even more interesting when the suggestion of running a field test on the spies had come up.

"Batman, absolutely not!" Superman yells, slamming the table.

"I'm sure Kyle, Booster, and Shazam can handle three teenage girls," Batman retorts, looking Superman in the eye.

"You said that last time, and look what happened then," Flash points out, remembering the spy's breakout from a couple of weeks ago.

"That's why we're sending the more experienced heroes. We can send Shazam, Booster Gold, Kyle Rayner, and Canary. They have enough experience to take three teen girls with makeup for weapons," Batman suggests, making Green Arrow.

"No, not Dinah! I'm not letting her get beat up like Artemis because you're obsessed with crime-fighting teens you can't control," Green Arrow exclaims, his face red.

"Ollie, it's fine. I can handle it," Dinah says, looking at her husband.

"No, you can't. Bruce, did you even show anyone at this table the footage before throwing them into the ring to deal with them? Or were you hoping they'd adjust on your field test?" Green Arrow questions, making everyone who didn't know about Sam, Clover, and Alex curious. "We already know their spies. Why don't you show them what they can do?"

Batman presses the play button for the monitor, and the spy's breakout footage plays. Everyone watches with varying emotions. Most of them are surprised.

"Batman, where did they come from? What organization do they work for? Are they disciples of the League of Assassins?" Katana asks, studying the spy's fighting style. "They fight pretty well for a teenager. It must've taken them years to fight like that."

"Someone trained them very well. Their knowledge of explosives and physics is impressive as well. Nevermind their ability to fight in such...high heels and clothing," Wonder Woman comments, looking at the girl's takedown of Kid Flash. "Such brutality."

"WOOHP trained them. Nobody knows anything about them unless you're an agent. WOOHP also seems to have taught them some new martial art style," Batman says, pulling up several pictures of Sam, Clover, and Alex in their spy uniforms. "So, let's take a vote. All in favor of sending younger league members out for a field test?"

The heroes begin to press their buttons, and it's a near tie. 20 yes and 80 no.

"Oh, thank God! Someone finally stopped his madness!" Superman exclaims, looking at his colleagues.

"In that case, I'll conduct my own studies," Batman says, walking out of the meeting.

"What does conduct his own studies mean?" Wonder Woman asks, looking at Superman.

"Hey, he turned his tracker off," Flash comments, looking at his blinking dot disappear on the map.

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