Cupid's Flowers Part 2

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"I'm sorry, Wally did what?" Barry questions as he talks to Batman over the phone. "Yeah, I know he punched Robin and strangled Kaldur, but who the hell is Jamila?"

"We honestly don't know. All we know is that she's a friend of Sam, Clover, and Alex," Green Lantern responds, looking at Robin's nose still bleeding.

"So nobody knows who she is. That's great. I'll try to track down where he is," Barry replies, getting out of bed and putting on his Flash ring. "Iris, call me if Wally comes back here, ok?"

Barry zooms out of the door and to the spies's penthouse to meet up with Hal.


"You should so paint your nails with the Neon Barbie shade. It so matches your eyes," Clover says, painting Jinx's toes while Jinx does hers.

"I should so do that. By the way, did Alex find out what that consequence was?" Jinx asks, using her magic to tie her hair into a bun.

"Guys! Guys! I found the consequence, and it's uber bad!" Alex screams, running out of her room.

"Speak of the devil, so how terrible is this consequence? Devoted boy, lovesick teen, or horny monster?" Sam jokes, flipping through her smoothie recipes.

"Worse! Way worse! According to my magical plant's book, if someone sniffs multiple cupid flowers and already has established feelings for who they look at, then the side effects are extreme obsession, insanity, and extreme possessiveness! Jinx, he's probably going insane thinking about you right now!" Alex explains, making the girls cringe.

The girls go silent, and then a knock on the door startles them.

"G.L.A.D.I.S., who's at the door?" Alex asks, nervously looking at the windows.

"Some sick guy," G.L.A.D.I.S answers, confusing everyone.

Clover gets up and peaks through the peephole.

"Ew! Dude's paler than a vampire!" Clover shrieks, stopping herself from gagging.

A hand bursts through the door and grabs Clover's hand. All the girls scream, and Clover scratches the intruder's hand. Everyone takes off running to the backdoor, where they secretly get into Sam's car. Sam starts the car, and in front of the headlights is a nearly zombified Wally West. Everyone screams, and Clover suddenly takes a picture of Wally. He screams as the flash on Clover's phone hurts his eyes.

"Go! Go, go, go!" Jinx yells, clutching Alex.

Wally zooms to Jinx's side and opens her car door. He tries to pull her out, but Jinx resists, constantly kicking Wally. Sam quickly pulls out of the driveway, making Wally hit the mailbox and let go of Jinx. He falls onto the road, and Jinx uses her magic to close and lock the door. Sam hits the gas at full speed, entering the portal Jinx created.

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