Winter is coming

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A/N: Here's the "I'm cold" makeup look I mentioned in the chapter.

"Oh my God, Sammy, you have a date?" Clover asks, closing her magazine.

"Who? Sam, who?" Alex questions, sitting next to Sam.

"Well, he's a redhead, works for the Daily Planet, and has the most exquisite taste in coffee I've ever seen," Sam gushes, pulling up the newspaper for today that has her photos all over the front page.

"Wait...redhead, works at the Daily Planet. Sam, are you going on a date with that geek Jimmy Olsen?!" Clover shrieks, her eyes going wide. "Oh right, right, I promised Cameron I'd be nicer to people. Sam, I am-"

"I get it. Jimmy is a huge Superman geek. Yesterday, he literally said I'm the hottest girl that has ever breathed next to him. But at least he shares my love of riddles and crossword puzzles," Sam says, looking at her phone.

"We need to go to the mall! We need a date outfit!" Clover exclaims, running to get her keys. "What time is your date?"

"In five hours," Sam says, making the room silent. "Oh my God, we need to go now!"

The spies run out of the house and into Clover's car.

"To the Metropolis Mall!" Sam yells as the car speeds off onto the road.

When the spies arrive at the mall, Clover rushes to the nearest Francesca's.

"Alright, Alex, you get sheer leggings. Sam, you get a black skirt while I get a pink blouse and black boots!" Clover says, walking over to the sweater rack.

"Sammy, how'd you meet Jimmy?" Alex asks while looking through a pile of leggings.

"I met him at the Metropolis Park. He stopped me and asked if he could take a few pictures for the Daily Planet. I, of course, said yes, and the rest is history," Sam explains, picking out a black pair of two-inch heel boots with hearts on the front.

"Aww! That's so sweet. We should do a triple date if everything goes well," Alex squeals, finding a pair of leggings in Sam's size.

"Honestly, with how much of a geek Jimmy is when it comes to superheroes and villains, he'd totally be for it," Sam replies, pulling out a skirt that goes down to her mid-thigh.

"Sammy, I found the perfect top!" Clover squeals, showing Sam the pastel pink sweater with puffed sleeves at the end.

"I love it!" Sam exclaims, dragging Clover and Alex to the checkout counter.

Once the spies leave, Clover pulls out her transportable makeup case when they return to her car.

"Ok, since it's winter, I'm going to be doing the "I'm cold" makeup look I saw on TikTok. Alex, hand me that Flower Knows eyeshadow palette and blush. By the way, can you handle Sam's skincare prep, foundation, and concealer?" Clover asks, pulling out her brushes.

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