It's a small world

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A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

"Hal keeps trying to get me to get an actual job!" Clover exclaims, stomping out of her room.

"Spying is an actual job. We get like 1,040,000 dollars a year. That's more than enough to support ourselves," Alex says, filing her nails.

"Well, he doesn't think so. He at least wants me to try doing another job," Clover complains, opening up her computer. "Oh my God, I got it! I can be someone's fake girlfriend. Boys always did offer to pay me to pretend to be their girlfriend for dances and stuff."

"Clover, let me remind you that the one time you did that, some guy stole his mother's wedding ring and proposed to you after the date," Sam says, flipping another page in her book.

"So? Different clientele, Sam. I'm in New York, and I go to Gotham Academy. I could be someone's date to the galas we used to go to," Clover reminiscences, gleefully remembering the cute dresses she used to wear with Sam and Alex to galas.

"Clover, is Icicle Jr. even okay with this?" Alex asks, looking at Clover.

"Cam doesn't know, and he doesn't need to know. I'm not cheating on him," Clover replies, setting up her fake dating website. "And done! Oh, I already have an offer from-Cameron! How did he even find my website?!"

In becoming Clover's ideal boyfriend, Cameron created the Clover Detector app on his devices. It alerts him whenever something related to Clover pops up on the internet.

"Ok, the fake girlfriend idea is out. How about- oh my God! Girls, check your emails!" Clover squeals, reading the modeling offer she got.

"No way! We all got offered to be models for Fem-Me's new sporty line! They saw our performance at the Regional Cheerleading competition and thought we'd fit the image of the line!" Clover exclaims, hugging Sam. "We're going to be big-time models!"

"EEEEEEEE!" Sam, Clover, and Alex scream, hugging each other and jumping up and down.

Meanwhile, Hal was beginning to worry about Clover's self-esteem.

"Honey, have you seen the website Clover made?" Hal asks, scrolling through the type of personalities Clover is willing to fake for a public event.

"If it's a fake dating website, Clover is just meeting the demand of boys who constantly want to date her. Though, I do wonder if her boyfriend is okay with this," Stella replies, doing a paper on what type of piercings to get for sensitive earlobes. "If it really bothers you, you can bring it up with her on your daddy-daughter date today."

"Trust me, I will. Love you, I will be back later tonight," Hal says, kissing Stella goodbye.

Hal flies off into the sky and arrives at the spies's penthouse. He rings the doorbell and waits for Clover.

"Clover, your stepdad is here!" Alex yells, unlocking the door.

Clover runs out wearing a red and white race car driver jacket, a crop top of the same pattern with a red clover in the middle, and classic baggy jeans with stars sewn on. She slips on blue Converse sneakers and hugs her dad.

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