An Atlantean Heart

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"I don't know what to get my precious Alex as a gift?" Klarion whines, putting on the face mask Alex gave to him.

"Mrow," Teekl says, translating to 'You two haven't even been dating for two weeks yet.'

"I know, Teekl, but she gives me so much stuff. Meanwhile, I can only promise not to cause too much trouble. I'm lucky she wasn't too frustrated with me for separating the kids from adults," Klarion says, washing his face off. "Maybe she would like jewelry? But she has every piece of jewelry a girl would want. Wait, I could get her ancient jewelry!"

"Meow! Mrow!" Teekl meows, which means, 'Don't get something too flashy!'

Klarion snaps his fingers, and the trident of Atlantis appears in his hands. He plucks the orange jewel from the trident and puts it on the table. The trident goes back to where it was, then Klarion the jewel into a bracelet.

"Perfect! Alex will love this gift!" Klarion squeals, putting it in a small box.

Klarion teleports to Alex's room and giggles as he sees her sleeping figure. He sits near her and places the box next to her head with a note attached. He kisses her cheek as a goodbye and returns to his castle.


The sun's shining on Alex's face, making her brown skin glow. The light moves to the box, making it sparkle due to the glitter wrapping. Alex's eyes flutter open, seeing the gift sparkling.

"Klari?" Alex mumbles, sitting up to open the gift.

She unwraps the box and practically screams when she sees the bracelet. The silver bracelet twinkles in the sunlight, but the best piece is the orange jewel in a heart shape. Alex grabs the note and smiles.

Dear Alex,
I didn't want to wake you up, so I set my gift next to your pretty head for when you wake up. I hope you like my bracelet.

Your, Klari/Darling/Prince of Chaos/Lord of Chaos.

"Oh, Klari!" Alex exclaims, immediately summoning Klarion.

"Yes, my beloved-"

"Klarion, you're the best!"

Alex tackles Klarion and kisses him. He savors the sensation of her lips on his mouth and wraps his arms around her. His cheeks turn rose pink, and his horns produce steam.

"Well, I'm glad you like my gift, Lexie. You deserve only the rarest and best jewelry. Wanna go on a date today? Sephora gave me a lot of makeup and skincare after me standing in front of their store downtown went viral. People call me Emo Witch Boyfriend now."

"Aw, sure! I'll get ready, and then we can spend the whole day trying on makeup."


"Who takes the jewel out of the trident of all things? At that point, take the whole damn trident!" Aquaman vents to the Justice League.

"Well, according to Dr.Fate, the trident had traces of chaos magic on it. We all know who took the jewel out of the trident," Superman says, looking at the memes of Klarion. "He's become quite popular over the last few days."

"I know, Supes. We've all seen the Sephora memes. Anyway, I wonder if this is related to the new girlfriend he got. Word on the villain's street is that he's been secretly dating some girl who's close to Waller. I don't know if it's true or not. But he has changed significantly. His voice is deeper, and he does less crime," Aquaman explains, scrolling through his Facebook profile. "Let's just send the kids out to find the jewel."

"That works for me. Zatanna can come with them if they run into trouble," Wonder Woman says, pulling up a villain's file.


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