Riddle me, my love pt.3

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The SWAT team kicks in Riddler's door as the neighbors watch. After searching the house from top to bottom for 30 minutes, they can't find Sam or Edward.

"All clear! Someone call forensics. There's blood all over the basement floor. Sam and Riddler are also gone," The SWAT captain says, walking out of the house.

Clover and Alex cry.

"Hey, Captain! Batman just went through Riddler's search history. He might be near the docks. He might be planning on going to another country to get a marriage license," An officer says, walking to the SWAT truck.

"Alright, officers! Half of you stay here and wait for forensics! Half of you come with us to Gotham Port!" Commissioner Gordon yells, turning the truck back on.


"Don't you like your wedding dress? It matches my suit!" Riddler says, looking at Sam, who's busy ignoring him by looking out the window of his car.

Sam's dress is long and made with dark green lace. The chest part of the dress is dark purple lace. A purple question mark made out of sequins on the dress's stomach area. Everything about the dress is hideous.

"It's hideous," Sam weeps, trying not to let Riddler see her face.

"Well, we can always buy another dress. Cheer up! It's your wedding day!" Riddler exclaims, gently tapping Sam's thigh. "We don't have to have a traditional honeymoon night if you don't want to."

Sam doesn't respond. She notices the door is unlocked and opens it.

"Sammy, no! We're in traffic!" Riddler screams, stopping the car.

He's too late, and Sam runs onto the side of the Brooklyn Bridge. She ignores the pain of cement pebbles on her feet. Riddler follows after her, and Sam passes the oncoming SWAT truck.

"Oh, my God! Stop the truck! Sammy's on the side of the bridge!" Alex screams, looking out the window.

The SWAT truck swerves to the right, stopping all traffic. The officers jump out and chase the Riddler.

"Sammy, come back!" Riddler screams, running after Sam.

Alex and Clover unbuckle their seat belt and go after Sam. They jump on top of car hoods, trying to close the distance.

"Girls, get back here! It's too dangerous!" Superman screams, floating out of the truck.

Riddler catches up to Sam and pulls her arm. Sam uses her strength and pushes Riddler off of her. She climbs on top of the railings, takes a deep breath, and jumps. Everyone on the road stands in shock except Clover and Alex.

"Hold on, Alex!" Clover yells, taking off her purple belt.

Alex and Clover jump off the bridge too. Clover throws her belt at a beam while Alex grabs Sam's hand. The accessory wraps around the metal, bringing all three girls to a halt. They swing and dangle above the cold water.

"You ok, Sammy?" Alex asks, smiling at Sam, who's below her.

"Yeah! I just want to be out of this hideous dress!" Sam replies, smiling back at Alex.

Superman speeds up to the girls and carries them all to the bridge. Clover unwraps her belt from the beam and puts it back on her waist. Once on the ground, Sam hugs Superman.

"Sam! Sammy! Please tell them-" Riddler screams as he's carried away by the police.

"Shut up!" Gordon yells, slamming Riddler's head on the top of the car.

"Thank you," Sam says, hugging Superman tighter.

"Did he hurt you?" Superman asks, hugging Sam back.

"Not too badly," Sam replies, letting go of him.

"Great use of a belt," Batman says to Clover and Alex.

"Thank you. I always know how to accessorize!" Clover replies, flipping her hair.

Robin stares at Clover with hearts practically in his eyes. He gets dragged away by Batman back to the Batmobile. Sam is put into an ambulance and on her way to Gotham General.


Clover and Alex walk into Sam's hospital room as the police interview Sam.

"Please tell me you brought Starbucks?" Sam asks, sitting up in her bed.

"Of course, we did, girl," Clover says, handing Sam a latte. "Where'd you get the flowers from?"

"Arnold," Sam answers, sighing a little. "He heard what happened and sent flowers. Along with his phone number."

"Well, that's sweet...where's your parents?" Alex asks, looking around the room.

"In the cafeteria. They're getting me, sweets," Sam replies, turning the tv to another channel. "I feel so stupid. I should've known Eddy was too good to be true."

"Don't be!" Alex exclaims, putting down her coffee and running to Sam.

"Yeah! Riddler took advantage of you! It's not your fault he has to resort to dating girls half his age because he's an E-list villain with no game. I mean, come on! Even Catwoman can hookup with Batman anytime she wants," Clover says, sitting next to Sam's leg. "Besides, he deserves to be in jail just for that hideous dress he made you wear."

Sam starts to cry and hugs Alex and Clover.

"You two are the best!" Sam cries, making her best friends cry.

"We love you too, Sam!" Alex and Clover cry.


"Hey, Clark, do you find it weird Clover and Alex knew how to swing that belt to create a makeshift bungee line?" Batman asks, talking to Superman in the Justice League satellite.

"Batman, stop being paranoid. They were trying to save their friend," Superman responds, making coffee for himself.

"No normal teenager knows to do that," Batman adds, making a file for the three girls.

"Batman, stop! You don't need to make a file for random teenage girls!" Superman exclaims, looking at Batman break into their medical records. "Alright, that's enough."

Superman throws Batman over his shoulders and carries him out of the control room.

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