Chapter 2

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------------------Percy's POV: --------------------

"Get your ass down here!" The monstrous voice bellowed from downstairs, a voice that grated on my very soul.

I didn't dare say anything, especially when I was so close to my release from this prison.

With a deep breath I pushed myself off bed, the poor mattress creaking beneath my weight as I pushed myself onto the cold floor. A shiver ran from my feet to my spine as the cold wood froze my nerves.

I pushed that aside, grabbing a jacket as I began walking down the stairs, throwing the hoodie over my head and only managing to get it on as I got to the first floor.

Immediately the smell of a combination of rotting food, stale beer, and cigar smoke filled my nose, making the immediate reaction to vomit hard to pass up. I placed a hand over my nose for a second before turning and walking into the living room, the horrible beast who stalked my every nightmare sat comfortably on his recliner, his face looking as discontent as ever, a film of sweat covering ever sliver of skin I could spot even though it was freezing in this place.

The dirtbag of a man turned to look at me, the whites of his eyes tinted red from either the amount of smoking or the strain on his beady eyes.

"What took you so long you wench?" I bit my tongue letting out a short breath as I prolonged the next breath of poisonous air.

"I had to grab a jacket; it's freezing down here." Gabe looked at me like I was some sort of bug on his food.

"Freezing? Freezing?! It's scorching here, turn up the air conditioning." Gabe demanded, slamming the butt of his beer can on the arm rest of the chair, sending a short flinch through my arm, my hand instinctively going for my pocket.

"I can't," I said confidently, or rather as confidently as I could.

"What do you mean you can't, you may be fucking useless, but I've seen you change that thermostat before!" He yelled, tossing his beer can to the side, whatever was left spilling out the side and staining the already patchy carpeting.

"I mean we don't have the money to turn it down anymore, you spent it all on your beers and those stupid gamb-" The next thing I knew something had hit my arm, my hand immediately rising to the spot that had been hit as a cigar hit the floor, rolling off as smoke rose into the already dirty air.

"I win at those fucking tournaments you bitch!" He yelled, I clenched my jaw, taking in a deep breath. "I pay our bills, you hear me!!" He yelled, standing up and I could feel my knees get close to buckling as he took steps towards me.

It's been like this ever since mom and Gabe had married, it was all nice outings and fun car rides until they got married then slowly it went from I'm busy to yelling and hitting and... well it escalated.

Then I was sent off to camp where I learned of my heritage and I helped rescue the camp from a war and I had a way to stop Gabe, and there was a light, a shimmer of hope until I didn't. Until the smell of blood and the looks of lifeless eyes were staring at me for what felt like the hundredth time in my life. Until my mother was lying dead in the kitchen with Gabe standing above her like he'd just conquered his greatest enemy, the craze in his eyes haunted my every thought and suddenly I couldn't move in his presence, making a move towards him resulted in my body screaming and coming to a halt.

I was useless.

Just like Gabe said, I couldn't save Jason's dad, I couldn't save the kids at camp or mom, I couldn't save myself.

The sound of a slap and a harsh pain flooded on my cheek, my head whipping to the side as I stared at the ground to the side of me, spotting a blue speck from what had to be an ice pop that Gabes buds loved so dearly.

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