Chapter 20

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————— Percy's POV: —————

I was sat across from Bruce, his face still light from our previous moment as he prepared to tell me his plan. In all honesty, I wasn't sure what he was going to say, but if the plan sounded at least half smart, I was willing to take the risk.

We'd moved from the hallway into his office, the others had been left back to do what they needed to do. I didn't mind the change in all honesty, but it did feel a bit strange to have just me and Bruce here. Bruce took a deep breath as he let himself decompress into his previously darker demeanor.

"Now, this should not go without saying but I feel I need to make this very clear, anything we discuss today should not leave this room." He put his hands together calmly. I nodded quickly, my leg shaking as I released some pent up energy. "I do not normally encourage this kind of behavior but this is the only way I can see that will get you out of this situation without you being harmed by your guardian." I nodded again, wishing that he'd just hurry up and tell me what needed to be said. After seeing my confirmation he continued. "There's a way within our court system to get your guardianship transferred pretty easily with upon your request. If you were to 'run away' " he put two fingers up to make quotations. "There are two ways for things to go. Either he calls the cops and you get apprehended or he doesn't call and we can call the cops and prove he is a bad guardian. Either way, when the cops collect you, they will question you and you can request a guardian change. This will lead to a legal battle which I can then get involved with as you can ask to be relinquished under my care, I will need to give you my number in order for this to be successful so that you can prove your connection to me. You'll need to specifically ask to speak to detective Gordon. He's the only trust worthy guy in that sh- I mean in that place." I nodded quickly before realizing I'd been nodding a lot.

"I don't own a phone." I said, Bruce's face faltering momentarily before he let out a small sigh.

"That's not a problem. I'll provide you one." I gave him a smile, but I knew that the phone would mostly sit useless at the bottom of my bag. "Now I feel the need to ask, would you like to stay here or is there somewhere safe you could stay during this get away." I faltered momentarily.

"Does it have to be within Gotham?" I asked cautiously. Bruce looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, I suppose not. Though I will need you to keep your phone on so when the cops are eventually alerted we can tell them where you are or if you don't want who you're going to see to get involved I need to keep you aware of when the cops will arrive so I can send them to a separate location. You can choose the spot of course." I nodded.

"May I borrow your phone?" I asked. He nodded, unlocking the phone before handing me the phone, it's screen already put towards the dial screen. I gave him a smile before grabbing it cautiously. "Can I take the call privately?" Bruce watched me for a moment before nodding.

"Come get me when you're finished." I nodded. He stood up, pushing the chair away from him before he walked gracefully into the hallway. I waited a moment after the door clicked shut before I quickly dropped the phone on the table and grabbed the cup of water on Bruce's desk. I looked back one last time before I held out my hand and the water in the cup began to turn to a mist. I hurriedly reached into the back of my shoe and dug out a drachma. With a quick prayer and a flick the mist in front of me flickered before showing Annabeth. She was in the middle of a spar but the moment her competitor saw me they backed away, Annabeths confused face turning towards me before a hopeful smile appeared on her face.

"Percy! What's with the afternoon call? Shouldn't you be in school?" Her happiness quickly turned to concern as she looked around me. "Percy where are you?" I held up my hands for her to pause.

"Annie, please, can you ask Chiron if I could come to camp for a few days." Annabeth's eyes darkened as she looked at me, her eyes searching my face and body language.

"Percy should I be worried." Her voice was filled with concern and yet it was confident and commanding. I couldn't help but smile at the much needed familiarity.

I took a moment to take a deep breath, a deep sense of relief I hadn't felt in years rolled over me. "I-" I looked towards her as my lips curled into a smile. "I'm fine wisegirl, I'm just feeling a bit homesick and mom said it was okay." Annabeth watched me before she melted into a smile.

"Okay. I trust you. I'll tell him you'll be coming. There's no need to ask because of course you're allowed to stay for a while, though he may scold you for missing your studies, that is if I don't reach you first." I chuckled lightly and nodded.

"I'd expect nothing less. I should be there soon, so maybe I can catch you before you leave." Annabeth paused before her smile widened and she nodded.

"Yeah, of course. I cant wait to see you. Try and get here soon okay?" I nodded, my smile brightening as she smiled at me, her beautiful curly hair up in a ponytail like usual. Somehow it never got old on her. I watched her for a moment before I realized where I was again and what was happening as I shook myself from my thoughts. I chuckled nervously as I realized I'd been staring and kids in the background snickered at me before turning back to their fights. My face flashed red as I quickly ran my hands through my hair.

"I'll come as soon as possible! Anyways I think I hear mom calling for me soooo uhhh, yeah I'll see you later, lov- I MEAN BYE BETH!" I quickly cut the connection before I could see her reaction. I smacked my forehead as I shook my head. "Stupid!" I mumbled before typing a quick number into the phone. I let it ring and allowed the other person to pick up, struggle for a moment and then I waited till they hung up.

After they hung up I got up and went to the hall. I cautiously stuck my head out to see that Bruce was further down the hallway then I thought. He turned quickly at the sound of the door opening and I gave him a thumbs up.

He gave me a brief smile. I could only give him a warm smile back as excitement entered my system for the first time in too long. I was going home.

1217 words

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