Chapter 32

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—————— Percy's POV: ——————

I set down my new clothes carefully, the heavy bags had left red lines across my arms but I wasn't worried, they'd disappear in a few minutes.

I took a step back from the bags and smiled to myself. It was strange to have the ability to go get so much stuff, I'd bought more things for myself in the past few weeks than I probably ever had in my entire life. The thought was startling.

Just this summer I'd been struggling with figuring out where my next meal would come from and if I'd have enough money to properly pay for our bills, yet now the stress was gone. I was free.

The thought brought too many emotions, in a way it was a rock getting taken off my shoulders, on the other hand, that had been my life for so long. I was a bit scared to find out how it'd change or if that change would even be good at all.

I took in a deep breath, holding it there for a second, than two, than three, before I exhaled. I would be okay.

I had to believe I'd be okay. I had to trust them.

I nodded to myself as I stared at the bags. I didn't have the motivation to put everything away so I left it there and went into the living room. I had some time before Jason would return, he said something had popped up, so he would be back hopefully soon.

I walked over to the couch but before I could sit a disastrous rumbling came from my stomach. I looked down and furrowed my brows. I hadn't realized how hungry I was.

I turned to look in the kitchen and stared at the edge of the fridge that peaked out. I'd not yet even looked into the fridge yet in the time I'd been here. Jason had gotten everything for the cookies and we'd eaten leftover take out for breakfast. I'd get to get a look inside the giant metal box.

I hesitantly walked over and grabbed the cool and undirtied metal, the lack of fingerprints was terrifying. A whirring noise came from inside, at least it was on, that was good I suppose. I sucked in a shallow breath as I pulled open the box to reveal a normal fridge.

I'm not sure what I'd been expecting but it was definitely somewhere in between the realm of a bomb to an ecological growth the size of which could probably take down those local weirdos I'd seen on the news with just a whiff. But no, instead all I found was a pretty bare but manageable fridge with more than a few half drank Gatorade bottles and a fresh cartoon of eggs from last night.

"Huh." I'd truly let my imagination run wild this time.

With that behind me I pushed around a few of the items till I found a group of ingredients that could potentially make a meal. I pulled them out onto the counter before I pulled my hair back into a bun.

I grabbed all the utensils I'd need but before I started I pulled out my phone and began playing music. I'd been using my phone a bit more than usual around here and I'd not been experiencing any repercussions in the form of monsters so I wasn't as hesitant to use it now. That wasn't to say I didn't hold a healthy fear of it, and I never held it for longer than a minute at a time.

With the music now playing I bobbed my head as I began taking the beef from its package as I put it in a bowl I'd found in one of his cabinets. It looked like it'd never been used but it was of decent quality.

Slowly the meal came together as I cooked the beef patties on a pan in front of me. I hummed along to the song, occasionally tapping my foot to rapid beats as I pushed around the burgers, the smell was mouth watering, not to toot my own horn of course, but I had to say these were some of the best smelling burgers I'd ever smelled.

As the burger reached the perfect cook I pulled over a plate, some buns already set out and prepared. Carefully I lowered the delectable patty onto the bun before layering tomatoes, lettuce, mustard, and ketchup on top. I would've added onions but it seemed that all Jason had was a questionable moss ball inside a baggy labeled "radish" but it was obviously the remains of an onion. I suppose that was the closest thing I'd get to a new biohazard.

Carefully, like I was grabbing a baby, I lifted the burger up and smiled before taking a bite. To say I was proud was an understatement. It was the best burger I'd had.

I bobbed my head more dramatically with my heightened mood as I released one hand and grabbed the plate before walking over to the couch and falling back, placing my feet on the coffee table as I prepared to eat the rest of the burger.

That's when the door clicked, I turned over to see Jason, a hand on the back of his neck and an annoyed look on his face. The look faded as he smelled the air and his attention turned to me.

"You made food?"

"First, welcome." I mumbled before holding up my prized burger. "And yeah, it's great." I could practically see him drool at the sight. "You want one?" His eyes lit up.

"You'd do that?" I shook my head.

"Of course I'll make you one. Take a seat." I set down my burger and got up, before I could sit though Jason grabbed my shoulders, a small flinch going through me before he pulled me into his chest for a hug. His head rested on top of mine, I had no choice but to hug back in slight confusion, though it was welcomed confusion.

"You're literally the best." I smiled to myself, my heart swelling with confidence as he squeezed me tight.

"I- thank you." He didn't respond and after a minute of quiet time he let me go and pat me on the shoulder.

"You make me that burger and I swear, I'll... uh I'll owe you!" He said. I rolled my eyes and smirked.

"I already said I'd make you one, you don't owe me anything." I pushed him off towards the couch as I walked back into the kitchen, heated up the pan again,  and took the remaining beef I had left and began shaping it. It took a few minutes but eventually I had a burger that looked almost exactly like mine.

I walked out and handed it to Jason before taking a seat beside him on the couch. I crossed my legs underneath me before digging back into my burger.

Jason seemed to really enjoy the burger as he looked over at me with wide eyes. "Holy fuck you made this?!" I nodded, a slight embarrassment hitting me. "You should be a chef or something when you can get a job, seriously this is awesome."

"Stop, it's not that good." In all honesty it felt nice to get compliments on my food, usually if Gabe received my food he'd say something along the lines of "the shit deserves to be tossed in a river." It felt nice to be appreciated.

"Yeah it is, Alfred would be very proud to have made something like this, so you should too." I tried to hide my smile in my burger as I shoved him with my arm.

"Let's just watch whatever this is." I said.

Jason nodded but continued to occasionally compliment me throughout the rest of the meal. I was glad I asked to live with Jason as well.

1318 words

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