Chapter 19

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—————— Percy's POV: ——————

I woke up slowly, the feeling of warmth around me was strange, my sleeping bag wasn't usually this warm.

I pushed myself up, my hands sinking into the soft material beneath me. I yawned, my hands going to my eyes as I rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes. Unlike usual, I felt oddly rested, my body not feeling nearly as heavy or tight as it usually was.

I opened my eyes to find myself in a massive bed. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked around at the unfamiliar area. I pushed the covers off me, finding that I was in sweat pants and a shirt I never really slept in. I closed my eyes for a moment as I thought back to the night before, the memories slowly trickling in before the entirety of last night laid out in front of me like a movie.

I leaned back, an overwhelming amount of emotions running over me. I turned back to the window expecting to see a sunrise, instead I was met by a bright blue sky. I blinked a few times realizing I actually had school today.

My body moved quickly as I hopped out of the bed, my feet, which I realized still had shoes covering them, met with the floor as I quickly exited the room.

Would the school be mad that I didn't have my uniform? Probably, but I'm sure I would manage if I asked for a jacket.

I soon found the stairs, my feet moving faster then I thought as I practically glided down the long staircase and ending up on the ground floor. The exit stood in front of me but before I could reach it a voice spoke up from behind me.

"Percy?" I turned quickly spotting Tim, a laptop in one hand and a cup in the other. He gave me a smile. "You're up! How about you join me for lunch?" I took a brief look at him before turning back to the door. I didn't even know how to get to the school from here, plus if we were eating lunch it was probably too late to get to school now. I bit back my retort and decided to take the blessings when they came. Sure Annie would probably be mad at me but I'd just tell her I got lobbed by a monster or something. She'd feel to bad to reprimand me too much.

I snapped out of my momentary internal debate and nodded, turning away from the door as I approached Tim slowly, his smile warm and kind. Even still I felt apprehensive, my body re-tensing.

We begun walking to the kitchen with him beside me, a healthy distance between us.

"So, did you sleep well?" He asked, a cheeriness I don't think I could match so early in the morning.

"Yeah, the bed was super comfortable, thanks for letting me stay there with you guys." Tim hummed in response.

"You're welcome anytime..." he looked like he wanted to say more but he stopped it there, the two of us turning into the kitchen to find Alfred with a light pink apron on, his back turned to us as he was fast at work over a sizzling pan in front of him.

"Morning Mistress Jackson and Master Drake, if you'll allow me a moment to finish your meal." I followed Tim to a small table, sitting on the opposite side to him.

"Of course Alfred, no need to rush." I nodded, watching as Alfred glanced over at us with a smile that somehow made my muscles relax. I didn't know if I should be grateful or terrified that a smile could do that.

I put my hands in my lap, intertwining my fingers in order to thumb wrestle myself. So far, the right side was winning.

Tim set down all his things around him, which now allowed me to identify the strong scent of coffee to have been coming from his cup.

"Percy," I looked up, realizing I'd been staring at his cup for an uncertain amount of time. "You okay?" He asked, the light smile not leaving his face.

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