Chapter 58

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————— Percy's POV: —————

It had been months since my last nightmare. It was both a blessing and something to be feared because while yes it was great to get good sleep there was always the fear lingering in the back of my head about when my reckoning would come.

Tonight was that night.

My mind spun as I looked around, I was back in New York, the world around me was crumbling as monsters ripped apart buildings, rammed through cars, and tore through people like they were nothing. My eyes widened as I watched a camper get flicked around like a dog toy in a hell hounds mouth.

Immediately my hands dug into my pockets, my nerves sparking into action as I tried to find a way to fight back.

I felt my stomach drop as my hand grasped nothing but my phone and some change. I looked around, taking in more carnage as the Minotaur ripped out a lamp post, swinging it around a bit before turning on a small girl and unleashing a baseball swing with full force, her body crumpling like sand. I felt myself gag, my legs tensing as I pulled my hands out of my pockets.

I tried to step back but the moment I did so it was like I had set off an alarm, everyone's eyes turning to me as the world froze.

I felt my breathing stop as I waited for something to happen, anything. But it was like I'd clicked pause.

I looked around once more but I almost fell when I saw Annabeth and Grover, Annabeth had a rope tied to her ankle resembling something like spider web, and beside her Grover was back in the hand of a massive cyclops, his face stuck in a permanent contortion.

I tried to run over but the moment I moved towards them the scene started again, everyone's hand cracking back to their original states as the screaming and sound started again like a clap. I watched as Annabeth tried to stick her knife in the ground to stop herself from getting pulled but it did little as she was dragged, and Grover was brought closer and closer to the mouth of the cyclops. I shook my head as I tried stepping back again, and like before the world stopped, all eyes and heads turning to me like I was some sick spectacle.

I tried my powers, feeling the tug in my gut as I held my hand out, seeing if the water would work. I watched as a nearby fire hydrant exploded, water shooting up and into the air. Relief filled me as I began to move the water but as I did so a scream so familiar cried out behind me that I felt the tug stop my head turning.

Behind me Alfred, Jason, and Damian were fighting off their own villains. Even though I knew it was impossible I couldn't help but feel my arms shake as I watched Jason cower below a man who's arms were raised high above his head, a crowbar in hand, Alfred was attempting to fend off a group of men in suits the ones I recognized to be penguins men. We'd seen them on the news which is why I remembered them. Then Damian. I watched as a group of shadowed figures chased after him. I wasn't sure who these people were, why they were after my family but I couldn't stay still.

I ran towards them, the moment my feet left the ground the world unpaused, my head snapping back to Grover and Annabeth again, Annabeth getting pulled further down the street as she met my eyes, her voice screaming for me to help her, her hand outstretched for mine, Grover only barely had time to look back as he was shoved into the cyclops's mouth. My eyes widened as I stepped back again, Annabeths eyes shut with tears rolling down her face as she kept her hand out to me. I couldn't help but shake my head, unable to process or deal with everything as tears rolled down my face, the Cyclops's face stuck in a permanent smile. Then Jason's tells came from behind again, and once more I turned to watch as my other family was hunted down. The crow bar came down just as a thief held up a gun towards Alfred and the shadowy figure came close to Damian. My eyes widened as I moved towards them again, the crowbar stopping just inches above Jason's head, a bullet mid course towards Alfred's head, the shadowy figure now dawning a knife aimed right at Damian's chest.

The Demigod and The Robinजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें