Chapter 60

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————— Damian's POV: —————

I looked down at my phone, reading Percy's message with a smile ignoring the scream singing all around me and the blaring music.

"I'll meet you guys at the beach!"

It had been a month since I'd last seen Percy in person, and to say I missed her was a bit of an understatement. So when Beast boy suggested to go to the beach nearby Percy's camp I immediately texted her to see if she wanted to go. Apparently I'd been lucky to catch her when she had a free day because she said yes and after a fair bit of exchanging locations we settled on renting out a cabin on montauk beach for us to stay at. Of course this was under the guise of team bonding and with Dick as our supervisor we were off.

Starfire was in the front seat with Dick who was driving and in the backseat was Raven, me, and Beastboy. Cyborg decided to stay back because of the way the saltwater would mess with his circuits or something.

((AN: if anyone read I am raven, then this is going off of their beast boy because I don't know how to explain a whole green child loool))

Everyone was singing to the radio, the voices an unholy symphony of mismatching vocal ranges. It was hell, but I would persevere.

I set down my phone as I looked out the window. We'd left from Gotham in the morning and after an hour or so drive we'd arrived in New York with little problem outside of nearly killing animals with their voices.

As we came up on the cabin though I felt myself relax. It was a cozy looking cabin, the wood clearly sun damaged and much lighter than it probably originally started but it was nice nonetheless. The car came to a stop and just as it did so up from around the hill came Percy, a bag in hand and her hair longer than when she'd left. I also noted that once again she had a healthy tan.

Dick smiled as I got out of the car a little faster than everyone else, watching as Percy's eyes lit up as they landed on me.

I quickly walked over her hand dropping her bag as I wrapped her in a hug, feeling her skin, which was warm from the sun, press against mine. She smelled of campfire smoke and sunscreen, a very summer-like smell that I didn't mind.

"Holy shit Damian actually has emotions other than angst?" Beastboy asked. I would've killed him had I not been hugging Percy.

Percy stepped back and smiled up at me. "Taller again Damian, I might need to start putting on shoes to reach you." She laughed, turning back to everyone. She smiled when Dick walked over, quickly pulling her into a side hug.

"He may be taller but you look a lot stronger!" Dick said with a massive grin, pulling Percy into his side with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. She laughed, giving him a small hug in return.

"Not really but I appreciate the sentiment." She said eventually getting released from Dick's hug. She turned around and I watched as her eyes widened. I looked over to see who she was looking at and found Raven doing the exact same expression back at Percy.

"Rachel?" She turned to me with her grin returning. "You know Rachel?" I felt my brows furrow as she turned and walked over to Raven, giving her a tight hug.

They separated with a smile on both their faces.

"Where do you know Rachel from?" I asked. She smiled and walked back over to my side.

"From my job, we work together." I watched as Dick's face turned a bit surprised. Starfire beside him looked confused at his expression.

"You have a job?" Percy looked at him then gave him a cheeky smile.

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