Chapter 62

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((AN: Hey all, sorry for a message so soon after my last one. This chapter is short but important so I just want to apologize for the lack of words loooollll. Anyways have an amazing morning, noon, or night!

————— Percy's POV: —————

It's been a month since I've learned of Damian and Tim's secret and a few weeks since school started. Between the stress of possible war and my tests I was struggling to find time to adapt.

I found myself up later now, unable to sleep because of worry. This was one of those nights.

I laid awake in bed, tonight I was at Jason's so asking for Alfred's help was a no go.

My eyes stuck to the roof of my room, watching as the smooth ceiling allowed for different shapes and creations to be made moving pictures running in front of my eyes. Sure it was an illusion from my brain but it was a helpful distraction.

I hummed quietly, my body laying above my blankets, one arm cast out to the side and the other laying on top of my stomach. It was warm in the apartment right now and I wasn't too sure why. I was pretty sure that the air conditioner was on.

Pretty sure.

I groaned. I wasn't sure at all.

I pushed myself up, my feet finding the ground as I navigated through the dark, bumping into a few things but eventually making it out of my room and into the hall which had a little more light from the windows allowing me to avoid sacrificing my toes.

I eventually found the thermostat only to find that I'd been right the first time and it was set to a comfortable 72. I huffed, unsure of what to do next. That was when I heard the extra loud car horn. I turned quickly, and found that two of the windows were open.

I felt a small smile roll onto my face as I walked over to the window in the kitchen, getting on the counter I managed to pull it down, once shut I stepped back with a smile. I turned to the next window but this one was opened all the way and without a counter I wouldn't be able to close it. I groaned again, looking around for something to use to reach it. Eventually I settled on a footrest over in the living room.

I walked over, getting down to pick it up, but before I could do so I heard a noise from outside the window. A noise that wasn't a normal car or people noise. I felt my body fall to the ground, pushing myself behind a chair to get a hiding spot.

I waited in bated silence, my hand slowly going for my pocket when all of a sudden someone flew through the open window, landing with a heavy thud on the ground just beside the table. I froze, holding my position as I watched the figure stand up.

He groaned, walking over to the wall and flicking on the light above the small dining table. In an instant I was looking at Red Hood and without the mask even coming off I knew where this was going. I watched as he pressed a button near his neck, and just like that Jason pulled off the mask to reveal his face.

I watched as he walked over to the counter, setting down his mask he pinched the bridge of his nose, a cut on his arm still bleeding. I almost got out of my hiding spot before he pulled out a first aid kit from beneath the kitchen sink, quickly getting to work on patching himself up.

I kept quiet the entire time, watching as my perception of Jason shifted.

So it was everyone. I finally settled on it in my mind. Everyone had to be in on it but me.

I waited cautiously until Jason disappeared into his room before I sneakily ran into my room, ducking under the covers and rolling over so my face was toward the wall.

A few minutes later I heard a creak from behind me. I didn't move, keeping my breathing steady as I watched the wall. The door shut silently and then I was by myself again.

I turned behind me to check again. Once I was sure it was clear I pulled out my phone.

I was going to settle this once and for all.

I spent the rest of the night searching heros and vigilantes, actively piecing together who was who in the family and finding that everyone but Alfred seemed to be in on it. Even then maybe Alfred did help out. He was the closest person to everyone and something tells me that Dick, who isn't even allowed in the kitchen, wouldn't know how to stitch up and clean a hero suit.

A part of me wanted them to trust me, to be able to tell me that they were actually heros in disguise but the Annabeth side of me told myself that they could only trust me as much as I trusted them.

I wanted to tell them, I do, but it's hard. It's opening up their worlds to psychological damage if done wrong, and at best they get no psychological damage and a lifetime's worth of danger.

Then a thought appeared. They're heros.

I felt a sense of relief almost pull over me.

They were heros!

If I supplied them the right tools they would be able to defend themselves!

I sat up instantly, texting anyone and everyone from the Hephestus cabin for commissions. I was prepared to work my ass off for these weapons, that way, when they were finished I would be able to tell them the secret.

967 words

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