Chapter 42

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————— Damian's POV: —————

"Bye Dami!" Percy hugged me tight, her arms wrapped tight around my neck as the smell of the ocean came to my nose. It was strange how she did that seeing as though all the products Alfred usually bought smelled of almond butter or coconut but I wasn't going to ask.

By Percy's feet was the rest of the yarn and the blanket Percy had made tucked into the duffel bag Amanda had loaned her. She'd made some good progress and barely even needed the video now. I was proud of her but also her company each night had been quite nice.

I held Percy tight for a moment as well before I slowly let her go, she backed up, giving me her signature smile, I returned it. She turned waving and jogged over to Jason, the two talking loud enough to hear their voice but not to discern what exactly they were saying. I watched as she slipped her blue helmet over her head, her smile disappearing behind the sleek plastic before Jason helped her onto the bike behind him.

Percy spared me one last wave before Jason revved the engine and the two sped off.

Alfred waited with me for a minute before he turned around to go inside, I followed after not but a few seconds later.

I made sure to lock the door behind me as I headed towards the movie room. There was a show Percy didn't quite like that was on right now and since she'd been going away every weekend, these were the times I usually chose to watch it.

I walked quietly until I arrived at the movie room but I was quite disappointed when the movie room turned out not to be empty but instead inhabited by a long haired disco dancer, or, Dick.

He turned to look at me and his smile grew.

"Hey Damian! Has Percy left yet?" Although I wanted to watch the show I could always watch it later. I nodded as I took a step back but Dick put his hand up. "Oh, then why don't you join me?" I looked at Dick cautiously. Dick was one of my more tolerable siblings to hang out with oddly enough. I decided it was whatever to wait a bit with him before he inevitably got bored or realized he could go out on a date with Barbra.

I walked over to the couch and took a seat a bit away from Dick.

"I haven't seen you lately, usually you're in here every night." Dick said, picking up the remote and changing the show he had on. He'd been watching some love show.

I shrugged, pulling my legs up in a crisscross fashion. "I've been in my room now." Dick nodded, though I could see a growing smile.

"Yeah, I heard Percy in there too. You two've gotten close huh?" I could practically hear the smile, forget seeing it.

I felt my face warm as I narrowed my eyes. "I've been helping her out with some stuff. It's none of your business."

Dick raised his hands. "Hey! I'm not making fun of you, it's just nice to see you finally hanging out with someone like normal people your age. It's cool." We stayed quiet for a moment before Dick turned back over.

"So what're you helping her with?" He had a malicious tone to his voice and immediately I regretted sitting with him.

"None of your business Grayson."

"Oooooo not Grayson!" He smiled wide, a knowing look on his face that I didn't quite like. I silently hoped Percy appreciated me keeping her secret because I didn't like the look in Dick's eyes. "But seriously, do you guys already have a friendship pact or whatever?"

I shrugged, choosing not to answer his stupid questions now.

I turned back to the tv ignoring his annoying smirking as I settled into whatever it was he'd chosen to watch, and by the looks of it, he chose a murder mystery.

I settled back and watched quietly for a while, Dick actually staying quiet for longer than I'd expected him to.

"You know I'm glad you and Percy made friends. It's good seeing the both of you happy." I looked over at Dick but his eyes were still on the screen. "I don't think I've ever seen you connect with someone like that," he turned to me, the taunting gone now, replaced with Dicks big brother look. "I enjoy seeing you happy." I had the urge to throw up, roll my eyes, maybe die of whatever it was Dick was infecting me with, but instead I just gave him a small smile and turned back to the tv.

A second layer Titus walked in, his head laying on my lap as I pet him gently.

I turned to Dick a few times throughout the movie but no matter the scene or whatever we witnessed a sappy smile played on his lips, one that showed he knew something I didn't want him too.

A vibration brought me to my phone. Carefully, without moving Titus, I managed to move my phone from my pocket and into my hand.

Percy's contact lit up my screen. The picture for her contact was one she'd set herself, it had come from a photo of when she was twelve, her arms wrapped around a curly brown haired boy she'd labeled Grover, and a blonde haired girl with gray eyes, the three of them were smiling wide as they all stood in front of a bunch of cabins, the cabins of the camp Percy went to every summer. She'd cropped the photo though only to show her smiling face, of which was a bit dirtied but her smile was bright enough to make it clear none of them cared.

I smiled at the photo but it also reminded me that Percy was going soon. I'd only heard it from Bruce so far but apparently with her new freedom Percy said she wanted to hang out at her camp for a week out of the winter break. Her reasoning from what I heard had been too pure to deny, she'd wanted to go to hang out with the kids who lived at their camp, the half orphanage a lonelier place as she described when it wasn't summer. She said she'd wanted to at least help bulk up the Christmas spirit.

I sighed as I clicked on the message.

It was only a jumble of letters, clearly a mis-send but the picture that followed wasn't nearly as bad. It showed Percy nearly dropping her phone, the lights on her helmet dragged like they were painted on. I laughed to myself as I put my phone away.

I made the mistake of glancing at Dick though whose smile was anything but sweet.

I groaned as I turned to him.

"Give me the remote, if you're going to patronize me I at least wanna watch my show too." Dick laughed but didn't deny my request as he tossed over the remote.

He continued to smile for the rest of the night.

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