Chapter 67

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————— Percy's POV: —————

I could feel the wind picking up as I gripped Blackjack's mane, his coarse hair whipping around my knuckles. His wings flapped powerfully on either side, forcing us forward at rapid speeds. Below us the city switched between darkness and golden lights from the street lamps.

"We're coming up on the house blackjack, just a little longer." I half yelled, a loud howl raging around us as another harsh wind blew against us. It seems Zeus wasn't too happy with me leaving though, he never seemed to like me happy anyways.

"Got it Boss!" Blackjack called back, his wings narrowed as he rode the air current like a bird, dropping us slowly as he rested his wings momentarily, simultaneously moving us out of the harsh winds.

He began flapping again, pulling us through a low hanging cloud, or possibly smoke, it was hard to tell in Gotham honestly. My sight became blocked, the only thing I could see was the gray haze that had swallowed us. Unintentionally my hand tightened around his hair, my jaw clenching. I didn't love not being able to see, especially after the war.

When we reappeared on the other side after what had felt like an eternity I could finally see the house in the distance, its massive silhouette was dark in the distance but I knew it was the house, only Bruce had a driveway that long.

Then I realized something. It was night out, the likelihood that anyone was home because of their...costumed adventures was little to none. I didn't even know if Alfred would be awake, unless he was also a caped shadow out in the night to which I would be square out of luck but also very impressed. I tried to tuck that thought away because at the moment being home would be enough.

I tried to quiet my thoughts as I looked over the city, looking around for anyone fighting on the rooftops, or possibly even a high speed chase in the Batmobile, though I did have to wonder where they put that thing.

It wasn't till the house that I finally looked back in front of us, the scene below us moving from city to residential. I found it highly unlikely that anyone would be walking around the neighborhood in their masks.

Then we began descending, my stomach and shoulders tightening as we got closer to the ground. Beside me blackjacks wings expanded straight out, not necessarily flapping but occasionally doing so to push us in a new direction or to slow our speed a bit. He only really flapped when we got close to the ground, my body being forced up and down as he lowered us slowly. Then my body jolted as his hooves met the ground, an immediate wave of excitement, anxiety, and caution hitting me. I pushed myself off his back, my feet making contact with the stone driveway I used to go up and down nearly everyday.

The smell was awful, it was Gotham, what did you expect? But as I inhaled a deep breath I couldn't help but feel a tinge more relaxed.

"Boss?" I looked over quickly, blackjack had turned, his eyes watching me intently. I could barely make out his features in the dark area, the only light coming from the porch lights. I smiled, releasing my breath as I put my hands on the side of his jaw and the other on the long bridge of his nose.

"Thank you Blackjack, you have no idea how much I appreciate you." I said quietly, watching as his eyes shut under my touch. He bobbed his head up and down, a small chuckle escaping me.

"I think you could start giving me an idea with extra sugar cubes, OOH, or donuts!" I laughed, rubbing my hand up and down his nose.

"How about you ask the stable campers? I'm sure you can work something out with them." I said.

His eyes narrowed at me. "Do I have your permission to say you allowed me to have some?" I smiled wider and nodded.

"Of course you do." Blackjack's eyes widened all the way in excitement, his ears perking up.

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