Chapter 34

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————— Percy's POV: —————

The hallway was loud around Damian and I, but I was still able to hear him as he talked on and on about a math question he was solving. I only added small nods of acknowledgment as he talked only to make sure it didn't sound like he was boring me although he was. 

As we turned a corner to the next class my eyes caught on the bulletin board we always passed by. It suddenly came to me that I never actually stopped to see what it was about. I stopped walking and turned to look at the board.

All tacked onto the board were various posters and reminders for the students at least, if the bright colors and pictures of soccer balls and tennis rackets and giant "NO"s were anything to go by.

I squinted as I tried to read a few of the titles on the posters to see if I'd been missing anything huge. Most of them were clubs, a few were of meetings I could attend to learn about the school, the only one that really stuck out to me was the blue poster hidden behind a series of other posters.

I leaned forward as I tried to read it.

"Go—am high S-im tea-." It took me a minute more before I realized it was a poster for a swim team. My eyes widened as I quickly pushed the other posters up in order to see it clearly.

Apparently the tryouts were tomorrow, and all you had to do was go to the swimming pool in the school with a swimsuit, goggles, towel, and physical.

I quickly pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of the poster. I'd tried being a part of my previous schools swim teams but due to my early leaving and expulsions I never really could commit.

As I looked down at the photo I let out a short huff. This year would be different. I would try out and I will stay on that team when I make it.

"Percy?" I turned to the side to see Damian waiting for me beside the board. "Are you interested in something?" He asked, looking over at the picture.

"Oh yeah, I figured I could try out for the swimming team." I made a mental note to remind myself but then I remembered I don't have a physical. I could feel myself deflate as I let out a sigh. "Or not." I grumbled.

"Wait what?" He asked, he took a step towards me with confusion, his math question forgotten. "But you looked so excited? Why not?" I glanced over at him trying not to make my disappointment more visible than it already was.

"I can't get a physical by tonight, the tryouts are tomorrow." I deleted the picture so that I didn't have to remind myself of my disappointment. "Let's just go, we have to get to class." Damian looked like he wanted to say something but I wasn't in the mood for being cheered up. There was always next year but for people with my heritage, next year might not ever come. I clenched my jaw as I grabbed Damian by the arm and began pulling him toward our next class.


I tried to keep my smile up as Damian and I walked out of the school but even I knew my face wasn't up to par.

I'd always wanted to be able to fully stay on a swim team for the entirety of its season, you could say it was what I was born to do. But every year I was being dragged away from it.

For the first time since ever I'm finally able to join a swim team and possibly be able to complete a full season and yet just like every other time, it just wasn't meant to be.

"Percy!" I turned quickly to see Damian looked concerned.

"Sorry, sorry. I don't mean to be distracted." I hit my wrist against my forehead in an effort to get my thoughts in order manually. He grabbed my hand and pulled it away from my head.

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