Valentines day special

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((Hey all! This is late ✨😭✨ but that's okay! I hope you all enjoy! It's a snippet of the future so as not to mess with the present. Love you all! R))

————— Percy's POV: —————

The first thing I did when I woke up was smile. The moment my consciousness became aware of me I simultaneously became aware of the arms wrapped around my torso, pulling me close into Damian's chest whose breathing was as light as ever and the bright light shining into my eyes from the window. I didn't move, afraid of waking Damian up. Ever since we'd moved in together and out of Bruce's place Damian seemed to be coming home later and later, I would be lying if I said I didn't feel bad so today as part of my gift I would let him rest peacefully. With that thought in mind I let out a deep breath and slowly brought my arms up so I could sorta hold his arms too.

I leaned my head back, hearing a small "mm" as Damian lifted his head so his head rested on top of mine. I smiled shutting my eyes and ignoring the light in my eyes as I settled in for the long wait of allowing Damian to sleep. His grip on me was tight even as he slept, not that I minded though, I actually quite loved it.

It took a while, and I possibly fell back asleep within the time it took for him to get up, but eventually I was startled out of my light slumber by Damian's grip tightening ever so slightly before loosening completely, a deep breath breaking through the quiet of the morning.

I felt my smile grow as I turned around in his arms, feeling his arm return slowly to his body as he rubbed his hand over his closed eyes. I watched as his eyes slowly opened, meeting mine. I admired his messy black hair and green eyes in the light from the window, his arms on full display due to his wife beater shirt. Due to the display I could see his bandages and bruises peeking out from behind bandaids. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder, placing a kiss onto his cheek before beginning to move off the bed.

"Morning Dami, did you-" I didn't even get off the bed before I felt his arm wrap back around my waist as he pulled me back, a small noise escaping me as I was dragged back through the thick sheets of the bed and into Damians side as he forced me to lay back down with him. I felt myself let out a small laugh as he peppered kisses all over my face, his embrace warm, the smile clear in his kisses. "I'll assume you slept well." I said quietly, my own grin shown through my tone alone.

He nodded, humming quietly. Damian wasn't a huge speaker in the morning if he had the choice, and since today was Valentine's day I wasn't going to force him to do much of anything.

"You want breakfast?" I asked. He hesitated a moment before nodding.

"Okay, if you let me go, I can go make some."

He, instead of releasing me, squeezed tighter, placing a final kiss on my lips before letting me go. I gently began pushing myself out of the bed before I finally got to set my feet on the floor despite being up for multiple hours at this point.

I didn't bother changing as Damian collapsed back into bed, placing hhis arms over his face. I walked into the kitchen, the multiple blue utensils and glass objects littered the countertops, it made me smile everytime I thought about Damian and I when we went furniture shopping. His eyes always lingered on blue items, and I found it very adorable how he would pick something up, walk over and show it to me. It was honestly so sweet I ended up doing the same for his animals which earned me a kiss each time.

Speaking of animals, I heard a quiet meow and bark come from my legs. My eyes trailed downwards as I found Titus and Alfred the cat, Titus looking up at me expectantly and Alfred gently stretched, putting his paws up on my leg and gently kneading my leg like it was a pillow. I smiled, kneeling down and picking up Alfred into my arms, sparing a quick head rub to Titus before getting back up with the soft ball of fur in my arms that was Alfred.

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