Chapter 70

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————— Percy's POV:—————

I huffed, gently brushing the back of my hand against my forehead, a thin layer of sweat transferring from my forehead to my hand. My other hand holding a water bottle that rested against my side as I breathed heavily, my feet still feeling like they were vibrating even after I stopped running. Today was the last Friday before I would be re-enrolled in school, and I planned to use it to the fullest. So, in order to do that, I started the morning with some good blue pancakes and blueberries, an episode of tv with Damian, and now a long run, going around the fancy neighborhood I was getting reacquainted with.

I'd done a couple laps, and lost count midway through I think it was my 3rd. The run had been refreshing, especially as it was a choice and no longer a requirement in order to keep my blood inside my body. But after however long I'd been out, I was finally ready to go back and relax for the rest of the day, maybe even catch up on some of the tv shows I'd missed in my time away. The day was open and that was what mattered.

I took a sip of the now lukewarm water and began heading into the manner. The cold air conditioning hit me hard, a shiver running down my spine as my shirt suddenly became very noticeable against my skin. I took a deep breath, finishing off the water in the bottle as I began heading up the stairs.

I quickly made my way to my room, dipping into my bathroom. The shower was cold and refreshing but when I inevitably got tired of the cold water I quickly heated it up.

When I finished I got changed and left the bathroom, deciding I'd worked up enough of an appetite to justify an early lunch. I began heading down the stairs until I heard a voice I'd not heard before. It was cheery, a bit deep but still kid-ish, and definitely too warm to be someone from Gotham. I found myself stopping as the sounds of fast footprints followed by a "Get down!" from Damian made itself clear.

I turned around, calling out "Damian?", as I was a bit confused, I thought he'd left earlier to go to school.

Immediately the sound of a loud thud became apparent, and now two sets of footsteps could be heard until I was making eye contact with the new voice. He was tall, just a little taller than Damian who raced over beside him, his hair was messy, his curls rolling down his head, and he had a bright look on his face. He wore a large superman hoodie, the colors more muted than the suit I'd seen on tv but it was clear.

"Hey Percy." Damian said hesitantly, the boy's eyes widening in response to my name, his head doing breakneck speeds as he looked over at Damian than to me.

"That's Percy??" He asked with a near strained voice. "I'm so serious when I say I thought this was one of those 'She goes to another school, you wouldn't know her' situation." I felt a smile creep onto my face as I looked over at Damian who was already lifting his hand to hit the boy's head.

I quickly stepped in for his sake. "Yeah, I'm Percy, and you are?" I stepped forward, holding out my hand for the boy. He smiled bright, his teeth bright as could be and with a firm shake, he shook my hand.

"Jon, Jon Kent, it's nice to finally meet Damain's girlfriend. He talks about you so much and yet he never lets me meet you." I could see Damian behind him half blush half wince at the statement, his face a bit conflicted. I smiled, and turned back to Jon, retracting my hand.

"Don't blame him, it was my fault, I've been traveling a lot." Jon nodded.

"Damian said so, I was getting worried he was either crazy or he was lying to me about having a girlfriend." Behind him Damian mumbled some choice words. I laughed quietly.

Jon smiled at my laughs but gave Damian a quick side eye. Damian took this chance to step forward and give me a hug. I happily took it, his arms wrapping around my back. He retracted quickly, I knew it was because Jon was here.

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