Chapter 44: Never have I

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(please read the end I'm going to let you choose)

3rd person POV

Martha and her friends were currently sitting in the screen room in a circle facing each other. All the siblings, Kor'i and Mar'i decided to join. Everyone was sitting in a circle on with their designated partner having moved the chairs replacing them with bean bags.

Martha of course much to the boys horror was sitting on Jon's lap.

"Who knew they were so many of us" Chloe asks.

"So what we going to do" Claude asks.

"Anything" Martha replies. "We have movies, party games, dancing we can do anything we want to do"

"How about never have I" Chloe asks.

"Ok I'll get the sweets" Marinette says standing up and slipping away. Jon blushes realizing she was wearing super boy themed pyjamas. Everyone had already changed into their pyjamas.

"I'll help" he says attempting to stand up.

"Nope not happening" Jason says glaring. "Sit or you get a green bullet through the head" he says subtly threatening him with kryptonite. Jon's eyes widen quickly sitting himself down making them giggle/chuckle.

"Why green" Claude asks. Martha saves the day by entering the room with a bowl of sweets and a couple more on her other hand. She hands out the bowls putting about ten jelly babies in each.

"Okay each of you each have 10 jelly babies on your bowl. The one with the most jelly babies in the end of the game wins" Martha says.

"Wait does the kid count" Allan asks.

"She's playing but she won't be counted at the end of the game" Chloe says.

"Okay I'll go first" Jason says smirking.

"Warn us if your going to say something inappropriate" Dick says glaring.

"Never have I spent a day without insulting someone" he says making everyone groan.

"Jay" they complain popping a sweet into their mouth. Well all except for Chloe, Damian and Felix.

"Being my judgemental self finally pays of" she says making the MPS snicker.

"Okay" Babs says. "Never have I tried to kill my siblings" she says smirking as Jason and Damian put a sweet in their mouth.

"Are you serious" Allegra asks giggling.

"Strangely it sounds like something Damian would do" Zoey says.

"Never have I kissed someone of the same sex" Chloe says smirking.

Kagami, Martha, Alix, Zoey, Jon and Damian pop a jelly baby in their mouth.

"This was unexpected" Jason says.

"Wait WHAT!!" Bridgette shouts staring at her cousin.

"I thought you've only dated one person" Tim asks.

"How about Damian and Jon I mean the 2 chicks over there make sense you four have some explaining to do" Jason says.

"Okay so me and Kagami once had an romantic moment but that was it only like once nothing else" Martha says. "Now big bro what's this about you kissing my boyfriend"


"Wait WHAT!!" Everyone shouts as Martha laughs.

"Zoey and Alix don't think I've forgotten about you" she says smiling..

"Moving on" Chloe says.

"Right never have I had less than 5 sugars in my coffee" Tim says making almost everyone groan. Martha smiles.

"I have a sweet tooth" she says.

"Never have I gone anywhere without a weapon" Kagami says. Allan, Claude and Allegra put a sweet in their mouth.

"Should we be worried that even the child is carrying a weapon" Claude asks.

"Seriously guys what's up with your family" Allan asks making everyone shrug.

"Never have I..." Jon says signaling for Dick to cover Mari's ears (I apologise to the readers) "watched pornography"

A few stare at him eyes wide before groaning. Everyone minus Mar'i and Martha puts a sweet in their mouth.

"The heck should I be worried" Martha says.

"No Martha you just innocent thats all" Babs says.

"Curiosity killed the cat" Zoey says shrugging.

"Meaning" Alix asks.

"I didn't know what it meant so I researched it and...." She says trailing off as everyone began to laugh. (This happened to my friend and turns out I'm the only innocent one in my class).

"Happened to me too" Alix says.

"Same" Felix and Damian say.

"Never have I" Marinette says staring at everyone around the room. "Been intimate"

Dick and Kor'i immediately pop a sweet into their mouths. Jason soon follows with Babs. Kagami and Luka do the same.

"Okay..." Martha says not having expected that.

"Why do I fill like I'm being attacked" Jason asks looking at his sweets. He had about six left.

In the end of the game Jason lost and Jon and Martha had a tie. Everyone agreed that Jon and Martha were the most innocent in the group well after Mar'i of course.

"So we agree that Martha is least likely to fall pregnant in this group" Jason says almost sighing in relief.

"I don't know her and Jon have made out a couple of times" Stephanie says.

"Doesn't mean anything" the boys immediately shout making everyone laugh.

"So what now" Babs asks.

"Seven minutes in heaven" Jason says smirking knowing very well Mar'i had gone to sleep.

"So we going to ignore that we're playing with a bunch of teenagers" Dick asks.

"All of them are dating" Jason says.

"Fair point"

"I'll get the bottle" martha says disappearing again. She came back with a choke bottle. She spun it and it landed on......


I'm going to let you choose. Sorry for the cliff hanger. Anyway please vote and comment.

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