Chapter 29: sneaking in and the meeting

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3rd person POV

The siblings walked into the manor to find Bruce already waiting for them.

"Hey Dad" Martha greets as.

"Hello" he says "we have a hero and vigilant meeting today you all requested to join us"

"We haven't attended a meeting in years why start now" Jason asks coming into the room.

"It's about time you remet your teammates" he says.

"Ugh fine" most of them say groaning.

"Wait I don't have a hero persona" Barbara says.

"Oh yeah I took your name from you" Stephanie says.

"How about you keep the name oracle" Martha suggests.

"Huh" Babs says

"Since you can't be batgirl because Steph has it or batwoman because Steph might want to grow out of batgirl soon just keep the name oracle putting on your old batgirl suit and I'll work on the new one starting well after the meeting" she says beaming.

"I take it the plan worked" Jason says smirking.

"She's not mad at us so I'll say yeah" Tim says.

"That's a great idea Martha" Babs says smiling.

"So we're going to ignore the fact that sups junior and pixie are dating" Jason says causing Bruce to raise an eyebrow.

"We're not dating" a flustered Martha said.

"Mhm" Cass and Steph say laughing.

"Yeah whatever I have homework I'll see you later when we give a room full of superheroes a heart attach" she says leaving the room making her siblings laugh.

"You know she has a point" Dick says coming into the room. "Cass and Steph haven't been seen in years, Tim mysteriously disappeared, Babs is suppose to be disabled and Jason died for awhile. If Damian were to smile during the meeting I think we would loose a few heroes"

"Not forgetting the fact that pixie is probably planning her revenge" Jason says making everyone's eyes widen in realisation.

"Yep they as good as dead" Cass says leaving the room.

With Martha

Martha was sitting doing her homework when she heard a knock on the window. She looks over to see of course Superboy. She smiles opening the window.

"You know I have a balcony right and my family wouldn't want you in here after what happened last time" Martha asks.

"I know but I missed you" he wined "and I forgot about the balcony"

"You know very well your going to be seeing me later" she says smiling at his antics making her way back to her homework.

"I know but I can never be too sure" he says.

"You better go" she says answering a few questions.

"Why" he asks.

"This is my family's favorite place to hang out" she says. "Anyone can come in at anytime and I was thinking on visiting my aunt's during their girl talk"

"Okay" he says walking over and kissing the other side of her neck. The one with no hickies.

"Hey" she says jumping of her sit glaring. He just laughs capturing her lips before flying of. Martha just shakes her head.

"I swear I'm going to buff" Plagg says coming out.

"Buff later because I'm done with my homework" she says "Plagg claws out"

She leaps from her balcony heading to her aunt's place. She soon arrives going through the window detransforming.

"You know they is a door right" Harley asks.

"Which non of us use yes" she says making them laugh.

"So kitten heard your dating a certain alien" Selina says.

"Yeah sugar need any advise" she says smiling.

"Yes we can teach you how to keep a man" Ivy says making Martha's eyes widen.

"We're not dating and I don't need that kind of advice" she says backing away as Plagg laughed in her pocket.

"Of course you do cats need to mate you know" Selina says making Martha shake her head.

"No they don't and I'm more of a ladybug" she says making her aunt's laugh.

"So honey you know they come that time where-" Selina says to be cut off by Martha.

"You know what I'm going to be late for the meeting tonight, Plagg claws out" she says transforming "bye"

Time skip

Everyone was now in the cave preparing to leave.

At the tour

Everyone has arrived except for the batfam which now consisted of Batman, Nightwing, Robin and occasionally oracle. They was still a few minutes before the meeting stared.

"B01 batman"

"B02 Nightwing"

"B08 Robin"

(Don't know the actual numbers so I just guessed)

All three heroes come through the tubes greeting everyone.

"B06 Blackbat"

"B07 batgirl"

Cass and Steph come out shocking almost everyone. I mean two heroes that had disappeared a few years suddenly show up wouldn't you be shocked. But it wasn't over yet.

"B05 Red Robin"

This shocked everyone more another MIA hero suddenly shows up.

"B03 Oracle"

Some almost faint seeing Oracle on both legs. She walks over to Nightwing and starfire. Starfire and Mar'i (firefly) had arrived a few moments before the bats.

"B04 Redhood"

Almost everyone's jaws drop. The hero who died and came back to life going MIA and was declared dead is now walking before them. Redhood just shrugs walking over towards Babs.

With Marinette

"Sould I go as ladynoir or ladybird" Marinette asks.

"I say do it all" Plagg says making Marinette smile.

"Mullo let's get squeaky" she says transforming. She splits into two and combines with Tikki and Plagg before using the zeta tubes herself.

With the heroes



Everyone is confused at what that means. Multi bug and multi chat come out making the bat siblings sneaker. Jon turns bright red at the sight.

"Whipped" he can here Cass and Steph whisper from a distance.

Aquaman's and wonder woman's eyes widen. Aquaman goes pale while wonder woman bows in respect.

"Who are you" green lantern asks making both growl as the batfam and Jon facepalms.

"I am the great guardian of the miraculous and the person who hates you most in the whole galaxy" both versions of her say angrily.


🤣🤣🤣. I really needed to do that. I'm sorry for not updating earlier but I was working on tommorow's daminette December. You know my new book. Anyway play vote and comment.


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