Chapter 46: go to sleep

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3rd person POV

"Welcome to my personal made ice cream sundae bar" Martha jokes as everyone enters the kitchen grabbing a bowl.

"When did Bruce buy ice cream" Tim asks.

"Better question why did Bruce buy ice cream" Jason says.

"Simple he didn't I did" Marinette says smiling. "I mean what's the point of having money if your not going to spend it" she says quoting Chloe making the MPS laugh.

"Very funny bug" Chloe says rolling her eyes. Everyone is quick to prepare their sundaes using everything provided. Which was a lot. Assorted types of syrups, sweets, toppings and of course ice cream.

They put everything away before heading back to the cinema, now fun, room to watch a movie. They decide on something that can make anyone laugh. R.L stine's Goosebumps 'Halowin comes to life's.

They spend about an hour and 30 minutes laughing and screaming or in Damian's and Felix's case sneering while trying, key word trying, to hide the fact that they actually enjoyed the movie. Of course they had snacks I mean that's one of the reasons Martha wasn't at school.

After the movie they decide to separate doing what they want to do. Some decide on playing 'just dance' while others decide to mess around with the karaoke machine. Others decide on playing video games while some dance around the room.

Luka decides to lightly strum his guitar while Chloe and Stephanie decide they want to make up each others face. The rest decide just chatting is alright. So basically the room is really noisy. Filled with laughing teenagers and young adults. Of course they eat and drink whatever they want while doing this.

"You guys know we have to go to sleep soon right" Dick asks.

"How about one more game" Chloe asks. Everyone immediately agrees sitting themselves down.

"Okay how about everyone just admits to something others in this group don't know about them" Allegra says. "I'll go first" she says thinking. "I still believe in Santa"

"You better believe in him" the MPS, Martha and strangely Dick say.

"You saying he's real" Jason asks.

"Well of course and he just loves Paris" Chloe says. "Well used to"

"What do you mean" Tim asks.

"Story I promise I will tell you one day" Martha says.

"Ok me next" Claude says. "I once fell off a tree." Everyone just stares at him blankly not at all surprised. "Please don't act so surprised" he says sarcastically making almost everyone laugh.

"Tt idiot" Both Felix and Damian say.

"Okay" Julika says. "I'm more deadly then I appear" she says making a few of them shiva while the MPS snickers.

"Julika is my first and of things go well last girlfriend" Allan says.

"Awwww" everyone says as Julika blushes.

"I think I deserve a matchmaking award" Martha says making everyone laugh.

"I'm a hopeless romantic" Felix says making most of the group gasp and Bridgette laugh.

"I'm secretly a Chinese princess" Bridgette says smirking as Martha facepalms.

"WHAT" everyone shouts.

"Yes the princess of flour" Martha taunts making her giggle.

"I'm a sugar addict" Dick says.

"Obviously" the Wayne's and Kor'i say.

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