Chapter 22: School and treats

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3rd person POV

Marinette walked along side Cass and Stephanie who were escorting her to the office to get her schedule.

"-the last subject is always the best" Stephanie says describing the school.

"How so" Marinette asks.

"Well Monday we have art, Tuesday music as in instruments and stuff, Wednesday Physical education, Thursday music again but vocals and Friday my favorite dance"

(Wish school was actually like this)

"That's cool" Marinette says as they arrive at the office. Marinette quickly grabs her schedule handing it to Stephanie.

"Sh*t you in Damian's class" Stephanie says as they walk down the hall getting stares from all directions.

Marinette's POV

As we're walking I bump into someone losing my balance. I fall and feel my body slowly come close to the ground when a strong arm catches me by the waste keeping me from falling.

I look up to be met by beautiful sea blue eyes. I know those eyes from anywhere. Jon.

"Hello starlight" he says clearly amused by the situation.

"Hello to you to blue" I say. We stare into each other for awhile. A squeal snaps us out of our daze.

"Ok Jon will show you to your class, we'll leave you to love birds in each other's arms" Stephanie says dragging a squirming Cass away.

They both mouthed 'good luck' and winked and disappeared around the corner.

"What just happened". I ask staring at the direction they went.

"I really don't know" Jon says.

We face each other and blush at the position we were in.

"Sorry" we say at the same time moving away from each other.

"Yeah we better get to class" Jon says awkwardly.

3rd person POV

Jon and Marinette enter the class giggling/chuckling making the ice prince growl.

Jon makes his way to the back seeing that his normal seat had been taken by rachel (Raven). He takes a sit next to the window. Marinette goes to greet the teacher introducing herself.

"Okay everyone welcome the new student, Martha would you like to introduce yourself" the teacher asks.

Marinette gives them one of her bright smiles causing most of them to blush.

"Hi I'm Martha and being honest I'm not good with people but please give me a chance" she says immediately capturing most of their hearts with her cuteness.

"Okay Martha you can sit next to Jon seeing as he has the only open spot in the class" she says earning a smile and thank you from the girl.

Martha makes her way to the back sitting herself next to Jon. She looks over to his brother who steals a glance to the girl sitting next to him and hides a blush.

"Big bro got a crush" she says under her breath.

"Big time" Jon whispers. Both their eyes meet making them blush.

'stop it Martha' she scolded herself 'no falling in love again'

She clears her throat and takes out her books, pen and iPad making Jon sigh.

'what's up starlight' Jon sighed taking one last glance at the girl he was slowly falling in love with before taking my stuff out and paying attention to the lesson.

Time skip

They walked out of the classroom to be later joined by Damian. He walked between them glaring at Jon. Marinette excused herself and went to the bathroom.

She exited her stall and we towards the tap to wash her hands. Someone slammed their hand next to her.

"Hello" she says showing no reaction to the loud sound.

Marinette's POV.

"Listen here new girl" I here the girl who slammed her hand next to me say. I look up to see a blonde barbie. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She had her hair down and was dressed in something even her past self wouldn't be caught dead in.

She was wearing all pink. Pink jeans with a pink tank top showing a bit of her stomach. She had long fake pick nails. Pink lipstick, black eyeshadow, mascara and a face caked with makeup. She have white high heeled boots.

Her look was topped off with a gold necklace that spelt out 'princess' in cursive. I inwardly cringed.

"What am I listening to" I ask unfazed by her choice of words earning a glare which once again doesn't affect me.

"Stay away from Damian he is mine" she says.

"So you see me as competition" I say giving her a bored expression.

"No-" she says only for me to cut her off.

"So why exactly are you threatening me"


"You seem at a loss for words"

"Just stay away from him" she shouts angrily.

"Why exactly should I stay away from my brother" I ask deadpaning.

"Because- wait brother" she asks fear crossing over her eyes for a moment.

"Yes let me introduce myself" I say "I'm Martha star Wayne. The youngest biological daughter of Bruce Wayne and also his youngest child. I don't approve of you dating my brother and I don't think his interested"

"Listen here you brat" she says grabbing my hand making me growl in anger "make one move and I'll ruin you"

"Let go of my hand before I snap it in too you harlot" I say channeling my inner Damian which works because she immediately let's go backing away in fear.

I take a sword, wait sword where did that come from, out of my bag. I point it at her throat effectively scaring her.

"I might seem sweet and helpless but cross me and you'll see something scarier than all my siblings combined. So please I beg you turn everyone against me so I can stay at home with my siblings away from harlots like you"

I let out one less growl before putting the sword back in my bag and walking out.

"Tikki what was that" I ask my kwami.

"You've been using the miraculous for so long that it seems you have developed all their powers this is extraordinary" Tikki's over enthusiastic voice echoes through the empty halls.

"This has never happened before" I ask.

"Nope guardians usually develop one or two powers" Tikki answers.

"Your one special kid" Plagg says making me smile.

"Thanks you guys now hide" I say approaching the cafeteria.


And boom goes the canon. Another update done. I love writing this book so much. Please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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