Chapter 10: another step complete

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3rd persons POV

Marinette worked into the Wayne gardens which were now partially owned by Ivy. As she had guessed Ivy was there tending the gardens.

As Marinette walked in everything seemed to brighten. Thought she was wearing black she seemed to glow along with all the vegetation around her.

'what the heck is happening' Ivy thought seeing her plants brighten up. Though she didn't mind herself. She felt a familiar and warm present. It made her herself brighten up.

"Aunt Ivy" a voice said as a tiny figure latched it self to her. Her eyes widen in surprise.

"Mari-gold" she asks rapping her arms around her tiny figure. She pulls away spinning the girl around assessing her. "You've grown so much and look so pretty. Please tell me it's not just a visit because last time you left you caused quite an issue"

"Please don't tell-"


"Anyway have you seen mom I want to talk to her and maybe auntie harley as well"

"Oh your mom kind of didn't take the break up well and is in a state of depression" she says looking down.

"Don't worry auntie I'll take care of all of that, I'm kind of in a mission to fix my very messed up family, everything should be going at least partially ok by tommorow"

"Ok then" she says smiling "let me take you to the girls, they probably miss you"

They make their way towards a beautiful pent house. Mari smiles seeing how many of them had changed.

Marinette's POV

I make my way into the living room.

"Auntie harley" I shout latching myself at her giggling as her eyes widen.

"Mari-gold" she questions brightening up "how are sugar" she says returning my hug.

"Where's Mom" I ask jumping up and down making them laugh at my cuteness. I can't help it. I'm finally out of environment.

"In her bedroom getting over her depression" harley says "but you should brighten her mood up, two doors to the right"

"Thanks" I say making my way towards her room. I open my door to see my mom the definition of a hot mess.

She was staring at the ceiling. She had on oversized pyjamas and a robe. Everything she wore was grey and white. Her hair was all over the place.

"Wow mom" I say making her look up "didn't think I'd see the day where you of all people are a hot mess"

"Kitten" she says getting up and giving me a hug.

"Mom you really need a bath" I say making her giggle.

"I missed you so much" she says .

"I missed you too" I reply.

"You heard about the breakup"

"That's actually why I'm here"

"What do you mean Mari-gold" she asks cocking her head to the side.

"Mom, dad was planning on moving on with your relationship but was afraid you'd leave him like all his children"

"Seriously the idiot made me depressed for nothing" she huffs.

"I came to ask you to give him a week to show you how much he loves you, if he fails I'll leave him and come leave with you"

"Okay I'll be at the manor by 2 o'clock" she says grabbing a few toiletries.

I shake my head making my way out.

"How did it go" Ivy asks.

"Better than excepted, thought you might lose a roommate" I say smiling cheekily.

"As long as she's happy" they reply. I smile saying my goodbyes before heading to my next destination.

I knock at the penthouse door not really knowing what to expect. It's Saturday so I didn't really except them to be home it was just a hunch. The door opens revealing a blond girl with blue eyes.

"Hello" she says smiling.

"Hi" I say not really knowing how to introduce myself.

"Can I help you with something" she asks making me smile.

"I'm your sister, well adoptive sister" I say.

"Oh no did bruce adopt another one" she asks clearly worried.

"No I am his biological daughter" I say making her smile sadly.

"Tough luck" she says "come in"

She leads me into the leaving room sitting me down of course ready to hear me out.

"Cass please prepare our guest a snack" she says to the black hair girl with blue eyes. She smiles and waves.

"So your Stephanie and she's cassandra, good to know" I say.

"What do you mean" she asks.

"You know the usual, your farther sends you away at a young age and you come back to find out you have a new brother and 3 new sisters. Your eldest brother has gotten married and moved out and had a 5 year old daughter. Your other brothers ran away from home and your mom left your dad and finally your farther has been neglecting his family"

"Okay wow, you used to leave with Bruce" she asks.

"Yeah I spent my childhood there with dick, Jason and Timmy"

"I really don't know the other two" she says.

"Yeah I came here to ask you to give my farther another chance" I say.

"Uhh well" she says as Cass puts a plate of cookies in front of me.

"Please we all deserve a second chance, just one week I promise" I say giving them the baby doll eyes.

"Fine" she says smiling.

"One week" Cass states.

"That is all I need" I say.

"Fine guess we have a few bags to pack" Stephanie says smiling "dang girl you very persuasive"

"It's all part of the Marinette charm" I say smiling.

"So your name is Marinette" she asks.

"Yeah but you can call me Mari and I don't mind nicknames, I literally have a hundred of them" I reply making them giggle.

"Ok how can this sunshine be Bruce's daughter" Stephanie exclaims.

"I have no idea myself" I say making them laugh once again.

"Well guys I have a weekend to plan starting with family game night don't be late" I say getting up.

"We won't, we'll be there at around 4" she says.

"By thanks for the cookies" I say heading for the door.

"By Mari" they say together.

"What an angel" I hear Cass say as I walk out.


Hello peps another chapter done. Believe it or not I have been working on another book idea. I'm also thinking of updating one of the books I haven't updated in a while. Wish me luck and please vote and comment.


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