Chapter 25: I have given up love

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3rd person POV

"Kent" Damian shouts in anger to be held back by Cass who was smiling at the two blushing teenagers. Jason and Barbara make their way towards the room to see what the commotion was all about.

Seeing their position and the hickeys on Marinette's neck Barbara bursts out into fits of laughter. Jason on the other hand angrily tries to lung at the boy only for Babs to hold him back.

Tim comes in with Kor'i who let's out a giggle thanking the God's Dick had taken Mar'i out. Tim growls angrily trying to lung at the poor boy to be held back by Stephanie.

Bruce and Selina soon come in. Selina squeals taking Marinette out of Jon's arms.

"My kitten finally found her other half" she says spinning her around making her blush.

Kor'i was now holding back Bruce from doing anything stupid. Jon just packs his things and leaves before any of the boys bring out kriptonite.

The girls make sure he has fully escaped before letting go of the boys.

"The f*ck was that" Jason asks angrily.

"Tt why did you hold me back" Damian growls.

"Are you okay" Tim asks.

"Did he hurt you" Jason asks.

"Did he force me" Bruce asks.

They carry on asking questions until Martha losses. A shuriken makes it's way to her hands and is thrown across the room between their heads and out the door straight into a wall.

"Get out" she growls having been annoyed by all the questions being thrown at her.

"Where did you get a shuriken" Tim asks.

"I don't know now out or the next one will go in your mouth cutting your voice box" she says making them gulp as they slowly back away making their way out the door closing it behind them to let the girl cool down a bit.

"Tikki please tell me this is all just a dream" Martha says.

"I'm sorry Marinette but that would be lying" Tikki says making the girl groan.

Plagg comes out laughing his head off followed by Mullo who looks at he sympathetically.

"It's okay little one you can't control love" Mullo says cuddling her cheek.

"Yes but I can avoid it" she says causing the three kwamis to look at her in worry.

"I need some fresh air" she says "Plagg claws out"

She transforms into her hero form and goes out using her balcony. She makes sure to stay in the shadows as she runs in the rooftops of Gotham to avoid being spotted.

She does this for a few minutes before deciding she needed a hug. She makes her way to her aunts place going through the window startling both her aunt's.

"Who are you" Ivy asks.

"It's only me" she answers going over to them and giving them a hug.

"Sweetie what are you doing here" harley asks hugging her back.

"I just really needed a hug" she answers earning a giggle from the two ladies.

"You want to talk about it" Ivy asks.

With the Wayne's

Stephanie goes into her sisters room wanting to apologise to surprisingly find it empty.

"Where is she" she asks herself.

"Out" Tikki's voice comes from the corner of the room "she'll be back soon"

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