Chapter 32: The idiots in Gotham

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3rd person POV

The crew waited outside for the class which was late.

"What the heck is taking them so long" Allegra says not wanting to miss lunch because of some late class. She sigh

Just as Claude was about to put in his comment when an annoying voice booms through the halls.

"Yes I'm one of batmans secret vigilantes, I've helped him in a lot of missions" the voice says making most of the guides confused and Martga pale up.

"No, not them" she says tears streaming down her cheeks. She runs into the school before anyone can question it.

"Who are they" Allegra asks.

"Her old classmates" Jon says eyes widening as he runs after her. She had told them about them and almost all of them despised them.

"So we're totally not going to enjoy this" Claude said as the class approached them with a teacher following close behind. They stopped infront of them.

"Hello" Allegra says putting on a mask "I'm Allegra one of your tour guides. I'll be showing you around the school along with a few of my friends. This is Claude" she says pointing at him "and this is-"

"Marinette" someone cut her of.

'sh*t forgot that Bridgette looks a lot like Martha' both Claude and Allegra thought.

"I'm not Marinette" Bridgette says frowning. "My name is Bridgette... Bridgette Cheng"

"Oh please we all know your Marinette" Ayla says stepping forward and grabbing the collar of Bridgette's shirt.

Three people seem to be watching frozen. They look like they believe them but can't do anything.

"That's not Marinette" they say at the same time.

"Shut it bullies" Ayla shouts.

Allegra try to intervene but are stopped by kim and Ivan. Ivan grabs Claude while Kim grabs Allegra. The teacher does nothing at all. She is on her phone.

Jon's POV

I quickly text Damian, Cass and Steph telling them what's happening. I also text the principal, yes I have her number , telling her I need backup for this lot was a little hard to handle. I text her telling her who I need.

I quickly find Martha hugging her.

"She blue everything is going to be okay" I reassure.

"But they" she says starting to breathe heavily.

"They can't touch you here"

3rd person POV

After a few reassuring words later Martha calms down. Jon smiles handing her a tissue to wipe the mascara streaks from her cheeks.

Damian's POV

"Damian wayne, Stephanie brown and Cassandra cain please report to the front of the school for the tour" a voice booms from the speaker.

I have just received Kent's message. I quickly stand up packing my stuff and practically running out of class.

3rd person POV

As soon as Cass and Steph heard the announcement they quickly packed their things. They had received the message from Jon. They share a knowing look before running out of class.

With the class

Martha and Jon walk back to find Ayla grabbing Bridgette by the collar giving her a hard slap. All fear immediately leaves her veins.

"What are you doing to my sister" she growls pushing through the crowd Jon following closely behind.

Everyone gasps looking from Martha to Bridgette while the MPS smirk.

"Bu but" he says making Martha growl pulling Bridgette towards her.

"Listen here you pathic sorry excuses for humans" she says eyes darkening "you can mess with me but never touch my family now unhand them before I start killing"

Jon is shocked and kind of scared of her. Most of the class pales up and Ivan and Kim immediately let go of the two in their hands stepping back from the angry bluenette. Ayla was not having it.

"Marinette is a bully that is here to ruin our trip" Ayla says stepping forward.

"This is Bridgette" she says pointing to the girl next to her "Marinette is the name I used to use before I changed it to Martha"

"Marinette"Alya says stepping back clearly taken aback.

"It's Martha" she says through her gritted teeth.

"That's no way to talk to your classmates Marinette" miss Bustier says.

"Now she comments" Allegra shouts glaring at the group.

"Listen here you are no longer my teacher and do not control me in anyway. You have no power over me. We're in Gotham not Paris. This is my city and you follow my rules or die" she says darkly. "Now line up we want to eat lunch"

They all compile immediately afraid of what the angry bluenette will do. A chuckle could be heard.

"I thought I would have to break a few wrists but you seem to have it handled" Damian says from behind her. Martha'smirks.

"You should be in class go we'll talk during lunch" she and he smiles heading back to the school. She could see Cass and Steph turning from the distance smiling at Martha.

"That was Damian Wayne" someone whispered earning a glare from the bluenette.

"Okay hope y'all ready cause I sure am not" she says. "I know for a fact you all know english because it's taught at your school"

That's how they started the tour around their massive school. Explaining everything in detail as they walked around. The MPS still hadn't gotten a chance to greet their friend without causing a scene.

They decided that staying in the background was best for now. The tour went smoothly with no disturbances. All of them were afraid of what Martha would do to them.


Yeah so that is how Marinette handled things. She channeled her 'inner Damian' 🤣🤣🤣. I know it's a bad joke. Anyway please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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