Chapter 12: Yep that happened

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3rd person POV

"Wait" Bruce says turning to Cass and Stephanie "I'm really sorry for not realizing all of this earlier I didn't mean to neglect you, I'm just trying to get you guys all you want. Damian was still readjusting at the time. I didn't know it affected you in this way. I just really wanted to push you to be better people because you all have a lot of potential turns out I pushed to hard and ended up plain out forgetting about you. I'm not great with emotions, even if my daughter if a ball of sunshine and they's still a lot for me to learn. Basically I'm sorry"

This earns a smile and nod from both girls signalling forgiveness.

"You still have to earn our trust" Stephanie says glaring at him.

"Nice job Dad" Marinette says smiling "mommy"

"Tt how exactly are you related to the cat"

"Shut up brother you really don't want to anger me" she says glaring at him making him slightly shiva and the rest snicker "mom please continue"

"Well Mari you already know what happened with me. It was the basic problem of the fact that our relationship is not going anywhere. I had to break it off and of course he was getting distance"


"I already know and your forgiven but I already know who you are and won't leave you for anything. Even if I don't admit it. I love you" she says making his way towards him and sitting herself on his lap and giving him a peck on the lips.

Bruce pulls her into a deep kiss causing the siblings groan.

"No face sucking while we're I the room" Jason shouts causing the two to separate slightly blushing.

"I'm going to be try and erase that from my mind and move on to Babs'" Marinette says.

"Sorry" both say rubbing the back of the back of their necks. Marinette shakes her head.

"I thought I was supposed to be the hormonal teenager"she says smirking making all the boys eyes, minus Damian, to darken.

"No no no no no" Tim says shaking his head.

"What are you trying to imply Marinette" Bruce says narrowing his eyes.

"Give me his name and address so I can pay him a visit" Jason says.

"WHAT" Dick shouts.

The girls just snicker at their reaction as Marinette sighs and shakes her head.

"I come from an abusive environment back in Paris, how the heck would you think I'm dating someone and why the heck would I tell you knowing how you'll react"

"Uhh" they all say.

"Babs please save me from this" she says motioning for her to tell her story.

"He can just apologize" Babs says.

"Sorry for neglecting you, letting Damian get away with anything and for the joker incident" Bruce says.

"Your forgiven now let's move this thing along I want to officially meet my niece okay" she shouts waving her hands in the air.

"I like her" Stephanie says giggling while Cass smiles.

"Before we continue I want to know, who attended Dick's wedding" Marinette asks. No one answers "no one seriously"

"Sorry dick" the whole family minus Damian says.


"It's okay the justice league attended and the teen titans" he says. Marinette shakes her head in disbelief.

"Jason- Tim your up" she shouts "maybe this will keep me from killing you all right here right now" she says glaring at them.

"Well for me it started with neglect. Then I died and was brought back to life to find that I was replaced. Replaced like I was something to use. Pit madness didn't help either and of course I wanted to kill Bruce, Tim and demon spawn. I left and went of the raider completely avoiding them. I hated them with every bone in my body. I still might but yeah so I soon found replacement over here who to ironically had been replaced" Jason says.

"Well for me it was simple over work and all of that. I barely slept and became a coffee addict" Tim says.

"Obviously" everyone snorts.

"Yeah so I was neglected and run the company on my own"

"WHAT" Marinette shouts glaring at her farther making him slightly shrink back.

"Damn pixie" Jason says chuckling.

"She's scary I like her" Cass says smiling shocking everyone in the room.

"Yes so I ran the company on my own and still had to be robin. I was neglected. The demon tried to kill quite a lot of times which I guess is something he did to all of us, well except for Mari" Tim continues.

"Well that's because I would f*cking murder him before he could say demon spawn 3 times" she says making the air grow cold.

"You wouldn't" Damian says glaring at the girl.

"Don't test me brother" she says dully "and please excuse my language" she says smiling at her family.

"Sh*t" Jason says rubbing his forehead. "Pixie please stop with the moods swings"

"Sorry, Tim please continue"

"Yeah so he was always trying to kill me and them replacing me just pushed me over the edge so I left. Jason found me and I've been staying ever since. He got me online schooling and what not" he says.

"I apologise to both of you for everything" Bruce says "they's just too much on the list"

"Your temporarily forgiven" Jason says.

"I have a feeling that you only forgave me because your scared of Marinette "

"Well duh" both Wayne boys say.

"Yeah so you've been forgiven by I hope everyone in the room now all you have to do is earn our trust" Marinette says.

"Our" he asks raising an eyebrow

"You think I'm fine with what you did to me" she asks almost daring him to say yes "farther you abandoned me in an abusive environment and stopped contacting me completely. Most of you only know half of the sh*that has happened in my life and I'm still mad at the fact that you didn't contact me when my brother supposedly died"

"Oh yeah sorry about that" he says.

"Yeah your forgiven but you still have to make it up to us and apologize to Kor'i and Mar'i but for now family fun night" she says enthusiastically.

"Yeah" the boys say making the girls giggle.

Jason takes another picture of her cute sister once again posting it on instagram.


Another picture of if my amazingly cute sister. I love being back on instagram because I get to share her with the world.
#lovingher #jasontoddisback #sayhelllotomytrandingsister


OMG why doesn't this girl have instagram. Did he just say she is his sister. OMG Jason todd is back and they's a new Wayne. She's trending already and only has like two pictures of her on insta.
#whoisshe #herbrightsmile #gothamsangele #newwayne

'if only she knew she was already insta famous, I have to get her a new phone with help from timbers' Jason thought.


Hello peps. I'll be updating less from now until the 20th of November because of final year exams. Y'all will survive I know it. Please vote and comment.

Jenny ❤️❤️❤️

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