|Chapter 14.| The Snake.|

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|Chapter 14.| The Snake.|

Ellie had allowed herself to fall into a scheduled rhythm of patrolling the city every night as Warbird, coming back to the Manor just to end up back in bed with Dick (no matter how hard she tried to resist), going to school during the daytime and...

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Ellie had allowed herself to fall into a scheduled rhythm of patrolling the city every night as Warbird, coming back to the Manor just to end up back in bed with Dick (no matter how hard she tried to resist), going to school during the daytime and quickly seeing her family before she headed out again to patrol again.

Ellie had let herself become someone that she barely recognised outside of her Warbird identity.

For some reason she kept allowing herself to cheat with Dick, all the while knowing that he had a girlfriend who he was ignoring to spend time with Ellie.

Ellie didn't even have time to relax anymore until it came to the weekends and she had the odd hour free, which was monopolised by Alfred's new training regiments and testing new technology Luke had made.

So it felt very strange one Saturday morning when Luke was out of town and Alfred was running errands with Dick, that Ellie finally had time to spend with her mother.

Constance had been so busy at work trying to catch the Warbird that she was barely home either.

So they had both agreed that they would go shopping with Barbara on Saturday morning. They needed new clothes for the next Jim Gordon For Mayor rally.

Since the last one ended being all about the Warbird, Ellie felt a little guilty and decided to make a good impression for Gordon at the next rally.

The Policeman's ball was the biggest GCPD fundraising event of the year, and everyone was happy to use it to make Gordon the next mayor. There was a little bad blood since the last person the GCPD endorsed for mayor was Harvey Dent (before he became Two-Face).

"I've hardly seen you since we came back to Gotham" Constance informed her daughter.

"That's because you're always at work" Ellie defended herself. Ellie was never at the house either. They were both out trying to keep Gotham safe.

"I was home a few nights this week, you were out doing god knows what" Constance replied to her daughter.

Barbara decided to speak up in Ellie's defence. "She was with me doing homework Constance" Barbara lied easily. They couldn't say Ellie was out taking down Falcone's drug and weapon rings.

Barbara gave Ellie a side-eye. Almost like a silent 'you know you weren't with me or on patrol' look. Ellie couldn't tell Barbara that she was busy having great sex with Dick most nights.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now