|Chapter 33.| The Calm.|

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|Chapter 33.| The Calm.|

It was late on a Friday night

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It was late on a Friday night...or maybe early on a Saturday morning when the Batcomputer finally cracked through the firewall of data Falcone had left behind at the Skyline club.

Barbara, who had fallen asleep at the computer once again, sat bolt upright as the computer chimed. A keyboard patter present on her forehead as she had fallen asleep on it.

"No way" Barbara gasped as she looked at some of the information that the Batcomputer was spitting out.

Barbara dived for her phone and fell over as her good leg was still asleep. "Seriously" Barbara grumbled, pushing herself up on her prosthetic.

She dialled Ellie first.

"Barbs, it's two in the morning. Someone had better be dying" Ellie groggily mumbled down the phone.

"STOP TALKING SO LOUDLY" Barbara heard Dick shout. He was never a happy bunny when his sleep was interrupted.

There was a loud thud of Ellie pushing Dick off the bed. And Dick cursing under his breath.

"What's up Barbara?" Ellie asked the red head. Barbara wouldn't call at this time unless there was an emergency.

"I've cracked the firewall. And you might want to come right over. I think we've hit the jackpot" Barbara was eagerly eyeballing all of the new information popping up on the screens. "Come to the Clocktower" Barbara instructs Ellie.

Half an hour later the whole team was gathered around the Batcomputer as Barbara brought up the information she was finding.

"Bank accounts, bribes, payoffs, receipts for hits Falcone has ordered, escape routes, where he makes his weapons, cooks his drugs, his whole roster of employees" Barbara brought up basically everything that they had ever needed to bring Falcone down.

"Are you saying-?" Constance began to ask.

"-you wanted a way to arrest Falcone and this is it" Ellie confirmed with her mother. "This is enough to give him the death penalty" Ellie looked at how many kill orders that Falcone had put out.

"Wait?" Ellie shouted. She jumped at the Batcomputer and scrolled back through the list of names.


No one spoke for a minute while they let that information settle in. Falcone had put a kill order out of Bruce about the same time as Bruce had gone missing.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now