|Chapter 34.| The Storm.|

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|Chapter 34.| The Storm.|

Ellie and Dick fell back on the bed, both of them sweating and panting as they tried to catch their breath

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Ellie and Dick fell back on the bed, both of them sweating and panting as they tried to catch their breath. Ellie pulled Dick's bedcovers over their naked bodies and rolled to rest her head against Dick's chest all in one move.

Dick put one arm around Ellie's body and another arm behind his head.

"I still can't believe that you actually let me do stuff like that to you" Dick laughed cockily to Ellie. He was getting very confident and adventurous in his skill in bed.

Ellie giggled. "Dick don't ruin the moment" Ellie warned him. Anything to get his mind of the night that they've had. It wasn't easy for Dick to lock up his parents' killer.

"Ellie?" Dick asks suddenly. He was staring at the ceiling.

"Yeah babe?" Ellie asks him. She snuggled into his warm chest. He was like sleeping next to a radiator.

"What do you think is going to happen to Ray?" Dick hated the man and wanted to hurt him badly. But he was still family to Jason Todd in a very strained way, and Dick knew all too well what having no one felt like.

"He was being taken to Blackgate until he has a trial to give him a sentence. He's done a lot of bad things" Ellie tells Dick. Ellie didn't want to tell Dick that Ray Todd might be executed for killing so many people.

Dick sighs. He was conflicted. He wanted Ray Todd to serve justice but also didn't want Ray to suffer without having a hand in the punishment.

Ellie sat up and looked at Dick. "You're too good for your own good" Ellie smiled at Dick. She knew what the conflict was in his mind.

Dick didn't know about that. He had done bad things in his life as well. Not murder bad. But he had beaten people up, tortured people for information, cross lines. He wasn't the shining example of a model citizen.

"Dick you're learning how to be a superhero again so you can help people. It doesn't get more good guy than that" Ellie tells her boyfriend while she stroked her hand across his face.

"You really think I'm a good person?" Dick asked Ellie seriously.

"I think that you've done some bad things, but that's behind you. You're a good person now and nothing like what Ray said you were. You have a whole village of people that care about you now" Ellie tells Dick. There was a whole team that would back him up. "And I love you" Ellie tells Dick.

Dick looked at Ellie in shock. They had always thought that about each other. They had never actually said it to each other.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now