|Chapter 68.| Isabella's Love...|

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|Chapter 68.| Isabella's Love...|

Connor's wounds are slow to heal for the rest of the day, and it was a little awkward for Connor to have Alfred stitch his thigh up as he had to be naked so Alfred could see the entire wound

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Connor's wounds are slow to heal for the rest of the day, and it was a little awkward for Connor to have Alfred stitch his thigh up as he had to be naked so Alfred could see the entire wound.

Isabella watches Connor from the doorway of his bedroom, Isabella thinks that Connor is actually scared that something is able to hurt him, other than Kryptonite. But the green is a source of natural magic, and Josie seems to have mastered her control over it over the past years, even though she was in a slumber her powers still grew.

"How are you feeling?" Isabella asks Connor, she has been asking him how he's doing every ten minutes for the past few hours.

Connor looks over to his girlfriend. She's standing in the doorway of the bedroom, scared to get close to Connor, still blaming herself for him getting hurt. She's shaking, and holding herself with her arms over her chest.

"Iz, for the last time, I'm fine" Connor laughs back in disbelief to his girlfriend. "You don't have to be so worried about me, I'm not going anywhere, these are just a few minor wounds" Connor tells Isabella. The wounds are slow to heal, but they're still healing faster than any normal human will heal.

Isabella can't believe that Jason is such an asshole, that he wakes up Josie to come after them, the rest of the Batfamily is under the belief that Josie was sent to kill Connor, and Isabella has to agree that it looks that way.

"You can come over here you know?" Connor smiles at his girlfriend, he taps a free spot on his bed for her to come and sit with him, rather than just watching over him like a hawk.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Connor" Isabella blurts out. Connor is being targeted because Isabella is getting close to him, and Jason is being possessive over her. "I'm sorry that you got hurt because of me" Isabella tells Connor.

Connor studies how Isabella can't look him in the eye.

"This isn't your fault" Connor tells Isabella. Isabella didn't release Josie from her prison, and she didn't turn Jason into a homicidal maniac.

"Yeah, it is" Isabella tells Connor. "Jason won't let me go, and he's doing this to hurt you" Isabella feels trapped with Jason's hands gripped tightly around her, not letting her wriggle free from his death grip. "He's going this because he's jealous and spiteful and he doesn't want me to be happy with anyone but him" Isabella continues.

"Jason was always jealous and possessive. The Lazarus energy inside him is heightening that feeling. Like his distrust of Dick and Bruce heightened into the need to murder them. It's not completely his fault" Connor decides to not blame this completely on Jason, it's Ra's doing.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now