|Chapter 51.| Exit Strategy.|

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|Chapter 51.| Exit Strategy.|

Isabella marched through the hallways of GCPD

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Isabella marched through the hallways of GCPD. The last time she was actually in the GCPD building was the day that Don Maroni was killed, thanks to Lady Arkham's rage toxin tricking Renee Montoya into killing him. Or it might have been the day that they moved Two-Face to Arkham, and the Batfamily wanted to make sure he didn't escape.

One thing was for sure, the last time Isabella was in GCPD, the Commissioner's office belonged to her mother, and Jim Gordon's badge wasn't stuck to the remembrance wall of fallen officers.

Barbara Gordon now occupied Constance's old office. Barbara being the only one who wanted the job after Jim was killed and Constance resigned. But Barbara was doing a great job as Commissioner.

Isabella knocked on the glass door of Barbara's office.

Barbara looked up and immediately Isabella knew that Barbara wasn't in a good mood.

"I see Dick Grayson isn't brave enough to come and see me himself" Barbara said dismissively, and then Barbara looked back down to her desk, the computer screen laid out along the glass.

"We've got other things to worry about" Isabella tells Barbara. Dick was running off on his own like usual. He would somehow find a way to make things worse, and then be forgiven by everyone. It was the dance they play every time they face a major villain. "Jason's put a bomb in Bruce's chest. We're trying to find Jason before it detonates" Isabella brings Barbara up to speed.

"That would explain why I haven't heard from my boyfriend all day, how is Bruce?" Barbara asks. Barbara couldn't stand to be in the same room as Bruce anymore.

"He's being Bruce" Isabella tells Barbara. "We have about three hours before the bomb goes off. I'm going to need to see the surveillance footage of the morgue, the night that Jason was killed, if I can figure out who took him then we might be able to track him down a little faster" Isabella tells Barbara.

Isabella wasn't going to try and talk Jason down again, if she found him she would be taking him down, and she wasn't going to let her difficult emotional relationship with Jason get her father killed.

Barbara scoffs. "You know that I can't do that. And after what happened last night, I'm not inclined to do the Titans any favours" Barbara snaps back at Isabella.

Barbara had allowed the Titans to handle the situation at ACE Chemicals, and they had let Jason slip through their fingers. Barbara couldn't let anything like that happen again.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now