|Chapter 69.| ...Isabella's Heart.|

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|Chapter 69.| Isabella's Heart.|

Isabella is being poked and prodded at by Alfred, just to make sure if she's okay, but it's been going on for nearly 20 minutes and Isabella is starting to get a little bit annoyed

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Isabella is being poked and prodded at by Alfred, just to make sure if she's okay, but it's been going on for nearly 20 minutes and Isabella is starting to get a little bit annoyed.

"Al, really, I'm fine now" Isabella tells the butler for the third time in the past five minutes.

"I shall be the judge of that" Alfred informs Isabella. One, people don't just have mental mind connections with other people, two, Alfred is in charge of the team's health and well-being, so his medical decision is final.

Isabella jumps as Alfred presses his cold hands to her arm. "Jesus Al, I'm fine, and I have work to do, can we just skip the full physical?" Isabella barks at the man. Isabella is eager to get out and stop Josie.

"Nope" Ellie tells her younger sister, coming over to check on how Isabella is doing.

"And who made you boss of me?" Isabella jokes with her older sister.

"I'm your sister, call it my prerogative, so humour me?" Ellie jabs her sister playfully in her side. "What's the verdict?" Ellie asks Alfred. Ellie isn't going to let Isabella go rushing off after Josie if she isn't well, Ellie doesn't care if it's Jason at stake, Constance and Kory can go instead.

"I cannot find anything wrong with Isabella, however, I do not know how to check for psychic mind links" Alfred confesses to Ellie. So they can't be sure if Jason's and Isabella's minds are still linked or not.

"Which means we don't know if it will happen again, and what's worse is that Josie can do this whenever she wants" Ellie tells them both. Ellie is leaning towards the 'no' end of letting Isabella go after Josie.

Isabella knows what this means. "I'm a grown ass woman" Isabella tells her sister.

"Yeah, not when it comes to this cave you're not, you're sitting this one out" Ellie decides. Isabella rails up, ready for an argument. "And before you start with the arguing, I had misgivings about letting you go in the first place. For one, it's Josie. Second, it's Jason. And now you may be compromised as well?" Ellie tells her youngest sister.

"El, I don't think that I'm replaceable on this one, Josie is doing all of this because of me, and from what she said she only wants me to come, or Jason is going to die" Isabella suddenly becomes irrationally frantic at the thought of Jason getting hurt.

Ellie looks to Alfred. "Give us a moment" Ellie tells Alfred. Ellie has given Isabella the space to decide between Jason and Connor, Ellie will respect Isabella's decision if she decides to go back to Jason, heaven forbid it might mellow Jason out a little, but this is getting out of hand.

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