|Chapter 78.| Oracle.|

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|Chapter 78.| Oracle.|

Barbara is running the show at the GCPD Precinct, every emergency service that are on the streets tackling the drug war today are being coordinated by Barbara, so she's pretty busy ordering all of her forces to the right places

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Barbara is running the show at the GCPD Precinct, every emergency service that are on the streets tackling the drug war today are being coordinated by Barbara, so she's pretty busy ordering all of her forces to the right places.

"Tell everyone on the street, anyone caught with the drug is caught with a murder weapon" Barbara tells one of her officers, Barbara is hitting this situation like a ballistic missile. Barbara needs to battle Crane and Jason as hard as she can right now, in order to save lives.

Dick has to flash his badge in order to get into the GCPD building, the terror level has been elevated since the drug crisis.

"Hey" Dick greets himself to Barbara.

"Hey, any luck?" Barbara replies as she wheels back into her office.

"The machine that Crane stole it's part of a city wide ramp up. He's producing a lot more of his drug" Dick tells Barbara. This city is going to go down the rabbit hole pretty quickly if the drug hits every borough.

"So, is that hundreds, or dozens of doses?" Barbara asks Dick. The Narrows turned upside down from three doses worth of the drug from the inhaler.

"Thousands. On the street by tonight" Dick informs Barbara. This is why they need to find Scarecrow's operation by the end of the day. "The machine has a searchable heat signature, but the Batcomputer can't see it. We need something that can see a little deeper" Dick hints at Barbara, the only person that can use the Oracle Programme.

"No" Barbara says firmly. "Don't even ask" Barbara says defiantly. The Oracle Programme is too dangerous for anyone to use, and that is why Barbara locked it away.

Dick is tired of fighting against Jason with one hand tied behind his back, they have the weapon to use against Crane and Jason, because everyone is too ethical to use it. "Oracle's our only hope. Bruce couldn't stop Scarecrow until he used Oracle" Dick makes the point to Barbara, and when they faced off against Crane the last time they got lucky they found him.

"And then ARGUS slapped an injunction on us, and I don't feel like being thrown in Belle Reve" Barbara shouts back to Dick. Or they would have Roy Harper showing up, and he's the herald of bad news when he shows up, no matter how much they all love him.

Dick looks around. "They'll never know" Dick tells them, nothing can overpower the Oracle Programme, not even anything that ARGUS have can track and contain the Oracle Programme.

Barbara gives Dick a tired look. "And just like that you start sounding like Bruce" Barbara informs Dick.

Dick overlooks that comment. "If we don't use it, more people are going to die" and Dick wants to get back at Jason. "You and I both know that" Dick offers to Barbara.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now