|Chapter 70.| Poison Ivy.|

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|Chapter 70.| Poison Ivy.|


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8 years ago.

"...and in local news, the villainous hitwoman Copperhead has been apprehended by Gotham's newest vigilante, Warbird" Vicki Vale reports on Channel 5 news.

Isabella and the rest of her school class were huddled up in a classroom, hiding out, it is procedure for Gotham when a metahuman attacks the city. The city has designated safe areas for the GCPD to protect, so they aren't spread too thin across the city.

Constance is out trying to keep control of the city, since she's the GCPD Commissioner, she is responsible for keeping the city safe. Alexis and Bridget are both in safe zones at Gotham University. Ellie is supposed to be at school as well, but Isabella hasn't seen her older sister, nor Barbara, or Luke.

"They're going to be okay" a girl on the left of Isabella assures her, it's the blonde girl that Isabella sits next to in some of her classes, Isabella can't really remember what her name is, having to learn hundreds of students names in only a few weeks.

Isabella doesn't know who the girl is talking about, Isabella doubts the girl knows enough about her life to know about her mysteriously absent sister, who always seems to be absent in a crisis, along with her two friends Barbara and Luke.

"Who is?" Isabella asks the girl quietly, Isabella doesn't know about the family secret, what Bruce used to be, who Ellie has turned into the past few months.

"Your Mom, your sisters, we have these lockdown situations all of the time, whenever Batman used to go up against a big bad guy we'd have to sleep in the school gymnasium, the school even keeps hundreds of sleeping bags and supplies down in the basement" the girl tells Isabella, all of the other students have been through this song and dance before, a bad guy rolls into town and they have to hide.

"My Mom has this covered" Isabella tells the girl. Constance is well equipped to stop the bad guys, and if she has a vigilante that's like the Batman then the city will be safe. "And my sister is probably off chasing after Dick Grayson" Isabella sighs.

"THE Dick Grayson, hot beyond humanly possible Dick Grayson, walks around school in a police uniform that hugs his body in all of the right places Dick Grayson?" The girl giggles, all of the girls get giggly when talking about Dick Grayson.

"Yeah, he and my sister are..." Isabella starts to tell the girl. "...well I don't really know what they are, but they always seem to orbit each other" Isabella comments to the girl. Dick will make sure that Ellie is safe.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now