|Chapter 72.| Expendable.|

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|Chapter 72.| Expendable.|

The city still seems to be in lockdown mode from the Poison Ivy attack, and Barbara has an increased presence of her GCPD officers flooded through the city in case of anther metahuman attack, if Jason was crazy enough to release Josie in the first...

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The city still seems to be in lockdown mode from the Poison Ivy attack, and Barbara has an increased presence of her GCPD officers flooded through the city in case of anther metahuman attack, if Jason was crazy enough to release Josie in the first place then no one can begin to guess who he'll unleash next.

Ra's is in too high a spirits about Ellie beginning her transition into the Demon, so Ra's doesn't much care that Jason failed to kill Connor, and now that Jason has recovered from his wounds he's ready to unleash hell on the Batfamily again.

Crane is not in so high a spirits about Jason failing to complete his mission.

Jason is in such a bad mood that all of his men are getting beaten and bruised for the slightest, he knows how Isabella feels about him now, but he can't be with her while he has his mission to carry out.

One of Jason's men accidentally spilled out a vial of the fearless toxin Crane has been making, and so Jason hacks off his hand in front of all of the rest of his men.

Jason pulls away panting, with blood spatter all over his face, and he holds the severed hand up to show the rest of his men. "The next person who fails won't just lose a hand, I'll make them fucking eat it as well" Jason screams at all of his men.

Not one of them could hope to challenge Jason, he's been trained by Ellie, and Ra's Al Ghul, and Ra's didn't seem to teach Jason restraint.

Crane sighs as he watches all of the other men cower away from Jason, not only has he become unstable, but now he's rushing to complete his mission so he can be with Isabella.

Jason hatefully throws the hand to the floor. "Now get back to work" Jason turns away from the rest of his men, he leans over the workbench trying to calm himself down.

The men all look to Crane, and Crane just gives them a slow nod so that they'll leave him alone to talk with Jason.

Once all of the men have finished clambering over each other to get away from Jason, Crane can finally assess Jason's mind.

"You're spiralling" Crane comments to Jason, Crane has no fear of Jason, Crane can handle himself in a fight.

Crane steps over the bleeding and whimpering body of the handless man. "If you keep mutilating your men, then we won't have anyone to fight our battles" Crane enjoys the bloody mess all over the floor, but it is becoming more and more frequent.

Jason looks over his shoulder. "I prefer to fight my own battles" Jason barks at Crane, that is the only way that Jason can ensure things are done right.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now