|EXILE.| Chapter 13.|

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|EXILE.| Chapter 13.|

To say things had gone well with Jason, would he a complete understatement

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To say things had gone well with Jason, would he a complete understatement. They had kissed during a slow dance, it was so cliche, but Isabella loved that it was a story book romance. They had talked the rest of the night, they hadn't had the 'define the relationship' talk, they just had a catch-up. And Jason was the perfect gentlemen the entire time.

They needed to talk about what their expectations were. Isabella didn't want to assume that Jason wanted a relationship, and she wasn't interested in being a booty call for him.

Isabella needed to evaluate what sort of expectations she had out of a relationship. She needed to make sure she had time for everything in her life, she didn't want to sacrifice a single piece of her life.

And Isabella wanted to be careful she didn't fall too fast for Jason, she had made that mistake with Jaime, and when he died she was completely broken. It would've been easier for Isabella if she could've worked past those scars, but they were still fresh.

Jason was clearly just as nervous about having the conversation with Isabella. Jason had been locked in his room most of the time, only daring to come out when he knew Isabella wasn't home. He had recently bought a motorbike, so they didn't have their car conversations anymore.

And both of them awkwardly avoid eye contact with one another when he's at basketball practice, and she's at cheerleading practice.

It was like the two of them wanted to admit to the other that they wanted a relationship, but neither of them was brave enough to be the first one to say it. And that made it a sort of competition between the two of them, over who could buckles second.

Isabella had other things to think over in the meanwhile. Like how Harvey had used her birthday party as a political event, and she wasn't too happy with him. Or how the city was going to hell. The media was constantly accusing the Wayne family of corruption. Or that Josie was still in a coma, with no signs of recovery.

Isabella laid back in her bed, and just stared up at the ceiling. She knew she could be snuggling up with Jason right now, if she had been willing to buckle first. She had no problem with sharing a bed with Jason, she just wasn't ready to sleep with him.

A knock came at Isabella's door.

"Come in" Isabella shouted.

Isabella hadn't expected it to be her mother at the door. Constance had been busy around the clock lately, with all of the Maroni attacks, and the Black Mask attacks.

EUPHORIA./ EXILE./ TITANS. (Dick Grayson/ OC) (Jason Todd/OC)Where stories live. Discover now