Chapter2: I loved Jace.

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It was a peaceful night in the Lightwood-Bane's residence. Magnus and Alec were cuddling each other on the soft bed . Magnus was stroking the soft mop of raven hair on Alec's head and Alec was drawing circles on Magnus' chest.

" Magnus ...sometimes I feel guilty. " declared Alec from the chest of his husband.

" Feel guilty about what darling? " asked Magnus still not stopping the activities of his hands.

" If I confessed it to you now ...would you be angry on me?" asked Alec.

" Alec ....I love you too much to be angry on you! Tell me what is it that makes you guilty?" said Magnus enquiringly.

" Well before you came into my life ...I liked Jace and also believed that I loved him . " blurted out Alec .

Magnus listened to every word of Alec silently.

" And one day he actually offered me to kiss him . " said Alec.

"And what you did ?" asked Magnus.

" I kissed him " said Alec .

Magnus' hands that were stroking Alec's hairs were stopped .

Alec continued with his confession....

"I knew that the love that I feel for Jace is not what we have between you and me. We have divine love. I feel protected in your arms . I see my true self in your golden green Cat eyes. Magnus....that kiss made me understand that I love you more than any one in this world. That kiss made me realise that I am yours ..truely and completely yours and I can't be anyone else's."

Magnus' hands restarted to stroke the mop of raven black hair of Alec.

"Are you angry at me Magnus?" asked Alec.

"I want to kiss you " declared Magnus.

Alec pulled up from Magnus's chest and moved his head up a little. Magnus caught the red lips of the shadowhunter. Soon they were engulfed in the pleasure of their kiss accepting each other for whoever and whatever they were.

They are Malec matter what, they will always find a way back to each other.


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