Chapter 20 : You did that

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//This is a suggestion from a lovely reader piadreamer so enjoy ..//

Speaker1 :"Break the bond between that shadowhunter and that warlock...till they are bound together they are unstoppable and becoming  a pain in the ass to many...break them...and you would be paid handsomely...."

Speaker2:"By the end of would see them no more together ...Sir...have faith on this servant "


Magnus looked up from his spell-book as the loft door was knocked twice.

Was that his Alexander ?...Why would he knock the door anyway?..He would open the door and come straight to his arms.
He laughed at his own thoughts.

There were two more knocks  .

"Coming... have patience...I have cat-eyes not wings..." said Magnus lazily standing up from his chair and heading towards the door.

Magnus opened the door and saw a beautiful lady standing in front of him.

"How may I help you , Madame ?" asked Magnus in his business tone.

"Hi , I am Mary Patricia ,I have been told about you by a close friend of mine who happened to be one of your many clients. She told me about your potions that work magic and your spells which are invincible. So I need your service regarding a little problem in my life ..."said the lady to Magnus.

"Oh..please come inside ..Miss Patricia " asked Magnus in his polished voice.

The lady came inside and was escorted by Magnus to his home-office.

"Please be seated ,Madame" ..gestured Magnus to the seat to the opposite side of the table.

" Thank you ...Mr. Bane..." said Patricia.

"Um...Madame ...its Bane- Lightwood. " said Magnus ,confidently.

"Yah...sorry...I knew that you are married ...and that too to the Mr . Alec Lightwood, the Clave himself."said Paticia grinning .

Magnus gave a little smile in reply.

" Yah ...I am honoured to be his husband ....may I know the case for which you need the services of a warlock? " asked Magnus now playing with his marriage ring.

"Um..ummm" said the woman at Magnus and was bitting her lips nervously.

"I want a love potion " blurted out the lady .

" A love potion ...that is the most common thing I am asked for. " said Magnus.

"Okay stay here ...while I bring you ....your love potion." Said Magnus looking at the woman jovially.

The woman nodded .

Magnus sprinted to his store behind the home office.

The woman was looking all around the home -office and trying to keep herself calm and composed.

"Here....Madame ....your Love Potion." said Magnus handing the potion to the woman.

"Oh ...thank you and here is your payment ...." said the Lady handing over the bills to Magnus.

Magnus took the bills in his hands and

" Oh ...the Mother of all Demons" asked Magnus clutching his head .

Magnus started to fill dizzy ...he was looking around the home-office and it was moving round and round.

"What have you done to me ...clever woman...what do you want ?" asked Magnus still clutching his head and could not keep his eyes straight.

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