Chapter 31: The Drunk -part 2

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///This is a suggestion from two of my dear readers Malec_Shriya and msmalec105.....enjoy....///


Magnus woke up. It was still dark. Magnus felt the other side of the bed empty...


Magnus could hear Alec from the bathroom. He disentangled himself from the covers and ran quickly to the bathroom. He opened the door of the bathroom which was left ajar ...and saw an Alexander retching his gut out on the toilet bowl.

"*Retch*....Go Magnus...its a disgusting mess.....*Retch*.... " said Alec struggling.

"Oh ...Alexander...I told you to not drink that much..." said Magnus.

Magnus  went straight to Alec . He sat beside Alec on the bathroom floor and started to make soothing circles on the Alec's back with one hand and with other hand he pulled back Alec's raven black hair.

"*Retch*....*retch*....." were only sounds that Alec made.

When Alec finished panting heavily his puking session. Magnus cleaned the mess with his magic. He made Alec to stand up and handed him his toothbrush . Alec brushed his teeth and washed his face . Then Magnus took Alec to the bed and made him sit there.

"How much did I drink last night....? " asked Alec.

" Hmmm...not much ...Three glasses of Champaign, two Tequila shots and I guess ...two glasses of wine too...." said Magnus caressing Alec' s back.

" the Angel...then I must be heavily out...." said Alec nodding his head.

"Mmm..hmmmm..." said Magnus smiling a little.

"Feeling better now...? " asked Magnus.

"Yah ....just the headache..." said Alec.

Magnus snapped his fingers and soon two pills appeared in his hands . He snapped to bring water and asked Alec to have them to fight his headache.

Alec took the medicine without any question.

"Did I do anything wrong yesterday after I got drunk so badly...? " asked Alec.

Magnus laughed silently and then hid his laughter and said "No....everything was good just I  had to portal you here towing you on my shoulders...."

Alec smiled with sleepy eyes ...

"I think you should sleep still dark now..." said Magnus.

Alec nodded and stretched on his side of bed . Magnus pulled the covers up to his chin . He kissed Alec and went to sleep...himself.

Morning brings new hopes. Morning shows the day.

Alec opened his eyes and found that Magnus was still asleep . He smiled . Magnus' pills  worked and now he did not have any headache. He had to go to the Clave's office,  he remembered . So he came out of the bed without disturbing Magnus making sure that he carefully placed a kiss on Magnus' cheeks without waking him up.

He finished bathing and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Alec made the batter for Magnus' favourite pancakes and switched the stove on to make them ...


Alec shot his head up from his work .Someone was on the door. Chairman shot his head up too from his deep slumber only to go back to sleep because it was nothing related to food. He was very shallow.

Alec sprinted quickly to the door as another knock on the door could wake his warlock up from his sleep ...which he did not want.

He quickly opened the door to see the bartender .He was having Alec's wallet in his hands . He looked at Alec and greeted

" Good Morning ....Mr. forgot your wallet in the bar yesterday..."

Saying this he forwarded the wallet to Alec . Alec took the wallet with a smile and said "Thank you ,Jone".

"Come have  coffee with us..." said Alec thankfully.

Jone said " Thank you ,Mr. Lightwood ...but I have to sleep ...after yesterday's night in the bar ...I have to sleep in the morning to be ready to work at someday else... ."

"Oh ..its okay,Jone...go and complete your sleep session." said Alec smiling.

" Goodbye ...Mr.Lightwood...hope you have become a Lightwood -Bane again in the night...." said Jone and moved through the road waiving at Alec.

Alec waived back .

Alec closed the door and came inside the loft . He kept the wallet in its place in the drawer.

Wait....what the boy said ...Lightwood -Bane again...

Alec started to feel a little uneasy ...there had to be some meaning to what that lad said ...
What could that be...? Did he ...did he do something when he was drunk ...something embarassing may be.....

Magnus was coming down from the bed room to the kitchen yawning lazily. Alec ran towards him, took his hands and brought him to sit on the sofa. Magnus looked surprisingly at Alec.

Alec kneeled on the floor before Magnus . With his hands placed on Magnus' thighs he asked in trembling voice...

"What did I do yesterday...when I was drunk...? " asked Alec looking straight into Magnus' eyes.

"Nothing .....Not anything serious" said Magnus.

"Why then the bartender said that I became a Lightwood Bane again in the morning while he came to give me back my lost wallet?"  asked Alec.

Magnus laughed heartily.

He then kissed Alec on his nose and said

"You actually forgot that you were married and fell for the Magnus Bane again. When I told you that I was married and had a handsome and beautiful Husband ,you told me to leave my ssstttuuupidd husband and take you with me...

You were adorably surprised when I revealed to you at last that I was married to none other than YOU....."

Alec looked at Magnus . Gradually his cheeks became light pink,then pink , then red and now moving towards the next shade on the shade card when Magnus thought of crashing his lips onto Alec's before the colour turns to Magenta, Purple or violet...

Both Magnus and Alec were laughing in between the kisses thinking of the comedy that they made yesterday in the bar.

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