Chapter 53: The Curse (mpreg) Part 12

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                     IN EDOM

Alec found himself on an ancient bed when he woke . He looked around him . The place was unknown. He remembered that he slept in his loft. Where is he now? Has Magnus brought him somewhere  to give him a surprise?

Alec could feel Max was too fidgety inside him . Alec sighed and rubbed his belly.

Alec rose  up and moved back on the bed to sit upright with support on the headstand.

"Magnus.....Magnus....." called Alec .

But there was no sound anywhere.  He was thirsty and wanted to have fresh blood.

He felt two little kicks in his stomach.

"Its okay ...sweetheart....I know you are hungry....just wait ....Dad is arranging something for you....don't worry." said Alec to his baby bump.

"Is there anyone..?" called aloud Alec.

Soon there was  a sound of door opening....

An attendant entered with tray of  food and blood in his hand.

"This food is for your Highness and the Great Demon....Master has asked you to have these ...Master wants you to stay here till the Great Demon is born" said the attendant .

"Where is it? Why are you calling me Highness and who is your master ? " asked Alec too many questions to the attendant nervously.

The attendant did not look at Alec .

He replied " Your Highness is at the kingdom of Edom. You are the consort of our prince Magnus and also the father of the Great Demon himself, so your Highness is to be respected by all the subjects of Edom and my master is the most powerful prince of Hell."

Alec's eyes widened and said yo himself "I am in Edom...Asmodeus brought me here.....I was kidnapped....Oh God! Magnus must be dying of worrying about us...."

He looked at the attendant in front of him. 

"Thank you....what is your name?" asked Alec in his jovial voice.

The attendant was shocked.

He did not look at Alec.

"Your Highness should not be asking servant's name....we are just servants...." said the attendant.

"Your mother might have kept you a name I call your Great Demon ...Max...I just wanted to know that name to call you...." said Alec smiling at the attendant.

Probably for the first time the attendant found a master talking so nicely with him . He remembered Prince Magnus. Prince Magnus was always so loving and compassionate and talked lovingly with all the servants and staff of the palace.

All the subjects of Edom wanted to be ruled by Prince Magnus. But because of Asmodeus , Prince Magnus had never come to Edom. He went away to never come back leaving the tortured subjects of Edom behind him.

"My name is name is....Sinus" said the attendant hesitantly .

"Um ...Sinus can look at me ...I don't look that bad..." said Alec.

"We servants are not supposed to look at our masters. " said Sinus.

"Why ....your masters look that bad?" asked Alec smiling . "But Magnus  is the most handsome man I have ever known."

Though Sinus was hesitating to look up yet he was struggling to stop the smile too that was forming at the corner of his lips. The new master was just like Prince Magnus....loving and compassionate.

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